Lightweight Utilities for 'DIZ' R Package Development

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Documentation for package ‘DIZtools’ version 1.0.1

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%notin% notin helper function. Opposite of 'in' function.
assign_to_R_env Add variable to R environment (in contrast to system environment).
check_if_unique_rows Takes a data.table dataset and checks if for each unique element in a specified column there is exaclty one row.
cleanup_old_logfile Archives the current logfile and creates a new blank one.
clean_path_name Clean paths to surely have a tailing slash or not.
clear Clean the console and environment-variables.
close_all_connections Unset/close all open connections.
dt_row_to_string Get the content of a data.table row in print-ready format.
equals2 Robust compare two elements and return true if both elements are the same. False otherwise. No 'NA' or 'NULL'.
feedback Function to feedback messages either to the user and/or to the console and to the logfile.
feedback_get_formatted_string Format the feedback string
feedback_to_console Print to the console. Internal use only.
feedback_to_logfile Add to the logfile. Internal use.
feedback_to_logjs Feedback to the gui/browser-console with logjs. Internal use.
feedback_to_ui Feedback to the user with a modal. Internal use.
file_lines_to_list Read in lines from a file and store it in a list.
firstup Converts the first letter of the input string to uppercase.
format_posixct Formats a given POSIXct timestamp without the need of manually specifing format parameters.
get_config Reads a config yaml file and return the value for a given key.
get_current_timestamp Quickly get the current time stamp without the need to handle format-options etc.
is.empty Check for empty/'NA'/'NULL'/'NaN'/etc. values.
is_date_format Checks if a string matches a given date format.
log_get_current_options Get the current settings for the logging function as list.
log_get_default_options Get the default settings for the logging function as list.
log_internal_test Internal function for debugging only.
log_map_type_to_loggertype Get the logger type from the type string (the argument of the 'feedback()' function)
log_remove_options Remove all log-related options from 'options()'.
log_set_defaults Set default options for all log-functions
number_to_position Converts an integer number to its "verbal position". 1 -> "1st", 2 -> "2nd", 3 -> "3rd", 4 -> "4th", ...
paste2 Normal 'paste' function with additional 'collapse_last' argument.
paste_pct_sum Get the percentage of two values pretty formatted.
pretty_timestamp Quickly get a pretty timestamp without need to handle format-options etc.
rep2 Repeat something with the ability to also collapse the output.
robust_round Round numbers without problems.
setdiff_all Get the difference of two vectors in both directions.
setenv2 Assign variables to the system environment.
setenv_file Set all variables of a '.env' file to the system environment.
string_replacements Clean string with a given set of replacements.
time_diff_print Calculate time difference of two timestamps, round the value and return a string with suiting unit. Trim Spaces of a string.
vgsub Vectorised string replacement.