surveyLoops {DIGSS}R Documentation

Survey Loops


Perform multiple survey simulations changing values on one variable and plot the results


surveyLoops(surveyParameters, loopVariable, loopSequence, plotResult)



list of parameters (object class surveySim)


variable to be looped. Can be any of the variables that exist in surveyParameters

  • col.width - vector of numbers with distances between STP rows

  • grid.type - vector of strings with names of grid types

  • simulations - vector of numbers with numbers of simulations

  • area - list with 2 vectors, one for x and one for y of area (vectors MUST be same length)

  • site.density - vector with numbers of site density OR list with 2 vectors, one with minimum site densities, one with maximum (vectors MUST be same length)

  • site.area - vector with numbers of site areas OR list with 4 vectors, one with minimums, one with maximums, one with means, one with st.devs (vectors MUST be same length)

  • overlap - vector of numbers with varying overlaps

  • obj.density - vector with varying artifact density OR list with 2 vectors, one with minimum artifact densities, one with maximum (vectors MUST be same length)

  • obj.distribution - vector of names of artifact distribution

  • survey.radius vector with varying survey radii


object with varying values, as defined above


which results from the summary table will be plotted:

  • surveysPerSim - plots the total number of surveys created in each simulation

  • sitesFound - plots the frequency of sites found

  • sitesFoundOnArtifacts - plots the frequency of sites found based on surveys finding at least one artifact

  • artifactsPerSurvey - plots the average number of artifacts found per survey in each simulation

  • successRateIndex - plots the success rate index (ratio of survey pits that found a site over total number of survey pits made)


surveyLoops() will run a series of simulations along one variable with values provided by user. Through this function, the user can simulate and evaluate the changes in efficiency and efficacy of specific variables, while holding every other value constant. The function runs multiple instances of surveySim() using values of surveyParameters and replacing one of them with a sequence of values offered by the user.


A list with five objects:

surveysPerSim A matrix with the number of survey pits done in each simulation.
sitesFound A matrix with the summary statistics about frequency of sites found in each simulation.
sitesFoundOnArtifacts A matrix with the summary statistics about frequency of sites detected based on artifacts found in survey pits in each simulation.
artifactsPerSurver A matrix with the summary statistics about artifacts found per survey pit in each simulation.
succesRateIndex A matrix with the summary statistics about success rate (number of succesful survey pits/total survey pits) in each simulation.


#Loop the impact of increasing distances between survey rows

#Loop the impact of different artifact distributions on surveys

[Package DIGSS version 1.0.2 Index]