Dynamic ICAR Spatiotemporal Factor Models

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Documentation for package ‘DIFM’ version 1.0

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DIFM-package Dynamic ICAR Spatiotemporal Factor Models
buildH Spatial dependence matrix of the factor loadings
DIFM Dynamic ICAR Spatiotemporal Factor Models
difm.hyp.parm Hyperparameters for DIFM
difm.model.attributes Initialize model attributes for DIFM
DIFMcpp Run Dynamic ICAR Factors Model (DIFM), with C++ codes
DIFMR Run Dynamic ICAR Factors Model (DIFM)
marginal.d Marginal predictive density
marginal_d_cpp Marginal predictive density
permutation.order Order of permutation by the largest absolute value in each eigenvector
permutation.scale Permute the dataset by the largest absolute value in each eigenvector, and scale
plot_B.CI Credible interval plot of factor loadings
plot_B.spatial Spatial plots of factor loadings
plot_sigma2.CI A credible interval plot of posterior of sigma squared
plot_tau.CI Credible interval plot of factor loadings variance
plot_X.CI Credible interval plot of common factors
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