Differential Gene Correlation Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘DGCA’ version 1.0.3

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DGCA-package DGCA: An R package for Differential Gene Correlation Analysis
adjustPVals Adjusts a numeric vector of p-values.
ages_darmanis Brain sample ages vector.
bigEmpPVals Use speed-optimized sorting to calculate p-values observed and simulated null test statistic using a reference pool distribution.
corMats-class An S4 class to store correlation matrices and associated info.
darmanis Single-cell gene expression data from different brain cell types.
dCorAvg Get average empirical differential correlations.
dCorClass Classify differential correlations.
dCorMats Finds differential correlations between matrices.
dCorrs Differential correlation between two conditions.
dcPair-class S4 class for pairwise differential correlation matrices and associated info.
dcTopPairs Creates a data frame for the top differentially correlated gene pairs in your data set.
ddcorAll Calls the DGCA pairwise pipeline.
ddcorFindSignificant Find groups of differentially correlated gene symbols.
ddcorGO Gene ontology of differential correlation-classified genes.
ddMEGENA Integration function to use MEGENA to perform network analyses of DGCA results.
ddplot Create a heatmap showing the correlations in two conditions.
design_mat Design matrix of cell type specifications of the single-cell RNA-seq samples.
DGCA DGCA: An R package for Differential Gene Correlation Analysis
extractModuleGO Extract results from the module GO analysis
filterGenes Filter rows out of a matrix.
findGOTermEnrichment Find GO enrichment for a gene vector (using GOstats).
getCors Compute matrices necessary for differential correlation calculation.
getDCorPerm Get permuted groupwise correlations and pairwise differential correlations.
getDCors Get groupwise correlations and pairwise differential correlations.
getGroupsFromDesign Split input matrix(es) based on the design matrix.
makeDesign Create a design matrix from a character vector.
matCorr Calculate a correlation matrix.
matCorSig Calculate correlation matrix p-values.
matNSamp Find the number of non-missing values.
moduleDC Calculate modular differential connectivity (MDC)
moduleGO Perform module GO-trait correlation
pairwiseDCor Calculate pairwise differential correlations.
permQValue Calculate q-values from DGCA class objects based on permutation-based empirical null statistics.
plotCors Plot gene pair correlations in multiple conditions.
plotGOOneGroup Plot results from a hypergeometric enrichment test for one condition.
plotGOTwoGroups Plot results from a hypergeometric enrichment test to compare two conditions.
plotModuleGO Plot extracted results from module-based GO enrichment analysis using ggplot2.
plotVals Creates a dotplot of the overall values for an individual gene in multiple conditions.
switchGenesToHGCN Switches a gene vector to cleaned HGNC symbols.
topDCGenes Ranks genes by their total number of differentially correlated gene pairs.