Extract4PLMirt {DFIT}R Documentation

Extract item discrimination, difficulties, guessing, and upper asymptote parameters and estimate covariance estimates for 4PL items from a fitted mirt object for one or two groups


Extract item discrimination, difficulties, guessing, and upper asymptote parameters and estimate covariance estimates for 4PL items from a fitted mirt object for one or two groups


Extract4PLMirt(mod, focal = NULL, reference = NULL)



A mirt object containing the fit of unidimensional model.


Character. Required if mod is MultipleGroupClass, focal should coincide with the label for the focal group. If mod is SingleGroupClass, it is ignored.


Character. Required if mod is MultipleGroupClass, reference should coincide with the label for the focal group. If mod is SingleGroupClass, it is ignored.


If mod contains any itemtype == "4PL", a list with the item parameters and the estimate covariances (if available). If mod is SingleGroupClass, the list contains the item parameters as a matrix and the covariances as a list. If mod is MultipleGroupClass, the list contains the item parameters and covariances for the focal and reference groups only.


data <- expand.table(LSAT7)
(mod1 <- mirt(data, model = 1, itemtype = "4PL", SE = TRUE))

[Package DFIT version 1.1 Index]