mse {DEEVD}R Documentation

Calculate Mean Square Error( MSE) by using Extreme value distributions


This function calculates the mean squared error (MSE) by using user specified kernel. But distribution of vector should be Exponential, Gamma, Gumbel, Frechet or Weibull. Any other choice of distribution will result NaN. This function is simillar to function mse in DELTD, but here more distributions are available for distribution vector.


mse(kernel, type)



type of kernel which is to be used


mention distribution of vector.If exponential distribution then use "Exp". If use gamma distribution then type "Gamma".If Gumbel distribution is used with scale=1, then use "Gumbel". If Weibull distribution then use "Weibull". If use Weibull distribution with scale = 1 then use "Weibull". If use Frechet distribution with scale=1 and shape=1 then use "Frechet".


Mean Squared Error (MSE)


Javaria Ahmad Khan, Atif Akbar



y <- rexp(100, 1)
xx <- seq(min(y) + 0.05, max(y), length = 500)
h <- 2
gr <- Gumbel(x = xx, y = y, k = 200, h = h)
mse(kernel = gr, type = "Exp")
## if distribution is other than mentioned \code{type} is used then NaN will be produced.
## Not run: 
mse(kernel = gr, type ="Beta")

## End(Not run)

[Package DEEVD version 1.2.3 Index]