assignNoteCode {DDM}R Documentation

a cheap way to choose which column to assign a NoteCode to


One property of the LexisDB scripts that might be useful for downstream checks is the ability to trace which functions have modified a given data object. These can go into NoteCode slots. This function writes code to the first unoccupied NoteCode column. If all three NoteCode columns are occupied, it concatenates the end of the third column. This way we preserve a full history. Unfortunately it gets split between columns. Oh well. Good for eyeballing. This function written for the sake of modularity. Function copied from Human Mortality Database collection directly as-is.


assignNoteCode(X, code)



the HMD data object that presumably has three NoteCode columns


character string to assign to the column, typically the name of the function operating on X.

[Package DDM version 1.0-0 Index]