EF2dfa {DCCA}R Documentation

Expected value of the detrended variance


Calculates the expected value of the detrended variance.


EF2dfa(m = 3, nu = 0, G, K = NULL)



an integer or integer valued vector indicating the size of the window for the polinomial fit. min(m) must be greater or equal than nu or else it will return an error.


a non-negative integer denoting the degree of the polinomial fit applied on the integrated series.


the autocovariance matrix for the original time series. The dimension of G must be (max(m)+1) by (max(m)+1).


optional: the matrix K. If this matrix is provided and m is an integer, then nu is ignored.


A vector of size length(m) containing the expected values of the detrended variance corresponding to the values of m provided. This is expression (20) in Prass and Pumi (2019).


Taiane Schaedler Prass


Prass, T.S. and Pumi, G. (2019). On the behavior of the DFA and DCCA in trend-stationary processes <arXiv:1910.10589>.


m = 3
K = Km(m = m, nu = 0)
G = diag(m+1)
EF2dfa(G = G, K = K)
# same as
EF2dfa(m = 3, nu = 0, G = G)

# An AR(1) example
phi = 0.4
n = 500
burn.in = 50
eps = rnorm(n + burn.in)
z.temp = numeric(n + burn.in)
z.temp[1] = eps[1]
for(i in 2:(n + burn.in)){
  z.temp[i] = phi*z.temp[i-1] + eps[i]
z = z.temp[(burn.in + 1):(n + burn.in)]

F2.dfa = F2dfa(z, m = 3:100, nu = 0, overlap = TRUE)
plot(3:100, F2.dfa, type="o", xlab = "m")

[Package DCCA version 0.1.1 Index]