The DALY Calculator - Graphical User Interface for Probabilistic DALY Calculation in R

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Documentation for package ‘DALY’ version 1.5.0

Help Pages

DALY-package The DALY Calculator - Graphical User Interface for Probabilistic DALY Calculation in R
aggregate.DALY Aggregate method for class 'DALY'
DALY The DALY Calculator - Graphical User Interface for Probabilistic DALY Calculation in R
DALYcalculator DALY Calculator main window
DALYmanual Open the PDF "*DALY Calculator Manual*"
DALYoptions Open the 'Options' window
DALY_list Make list of 'DALY' objects
DALY_Neurocysticercosis Example Dataset 1: Neurocysticercosis in West-Cameroon
DALY_Toxoplasmosis Example Dataset 2: Congenital toxoplasmosis in the Netherlands
getDALY Initiate the DALY calculation process
hist.DALY Histogram method for class 'DALY'
plot.DALY Plot method for class 'DALY'
plot.DALY_list Make list of 'DALY' objects
plot.DALY_sensitivity DALY sensitivity analysis
print.DALY Print method for class 'DALY'
print.DALY_list Make list of 'DALY' objects
print.DALY_sensitivity DALY sensitivity analysis
readDALYdata Read in DALY data stored in an .RData image file
reset Reset the DALY Calculator
saveDALYdata Save population and epidemiological data to an .RData image file
scatterplot Scatterplot method for class 'DALY' and 'DALY_list'
scatterplot.DALY Scatterplot method for class 'DALY' and 'DALY_list'
scatterplot.DALY_list Scatterplot method for class 'DALY' and 'DALY_list'
sensitivity DALY sensitivity analysis
setDALYexample Load one of the two built-in DALY calculation examples
setData Open a data input window
setLifeExp Open the 'Life Expectancy' window
setPop Open the 'Population' window
setStdLE Set the 'Life Expectancy' table to a standard life expectancy table
summary.DALY Summary method for class 'DALY'