Extension for 'DALEX' Package

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Documentation for package ‘DALEXtra’ version 2.3.0

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champion_challenger Compare machine learning models
create_env Create your conda virtual env with DALEX
dalex_load_explainer DALEX load explainer
explain_h2o Create explainer from your h2o model
explain_keras Wrapper for Python Keras Models
explain_mlr Create explainer from your mlr model
explain_mlr3 Create explainer from your mlr model
explain_scikitlearn Wrapper for Python Scikit-Learn Models
explain_tidymodels Create explainer from your tidymodels workflow.
explain_xgboost Create explainer from your xgboost model
funnel_measure Caluculate difference in performance in models across different categories
model_info.GraphLearner Exract info from model
model_info.H2OBinomialModel Exract info from model
model_info.H2OMultinomialModel Exract info from model
model_info.H2ORegressionModel Exract info from model
model_info.keras Exract info from model
model_info.LearnerClassif Exract info from model
model_info.LearnerRegr Exract info from model
model_info.model_stack Exract info from model
model_info.scikitlearn_model Exract info from model
model_info.workflow Exract info from model
model_info.WrappedModel Exract info from model
model_info.xgb.Booster Exract info from model
model_type.dalex_explainer Instance Level Surrogate Models
overall_comparison Compare champion with challengers globally
plot.funnel_measure Funnel plot for difference in measures
plot.overall_comparison Plot function for overall_comparison
plot.predict_surrogate_lime Instance Level Surrogate Models
plot.training_test_comparison Plot and compare performance of model between training and test set
predict_model.dalex_explainer Instance Level Surrogate Models
predict_parts Instance Level Surrogate Models
predict_parts_break_down Instance Level Surrogate Models
predict_parts_ibreak_down Instance Level Surrogate Models
predict_parts_shap Instance Level Surrogate Models
predict_surrogate Instance Level Surrogate Models
predict_surrogate_iml Instance Level Surrogate Models
predict_surrogate_lime Instance Level Surrogate Models
predict_surrogate_local_model Instance Level Surrogate Models
print.funnel_measure Print funnel_measure object
print.overall_comparison Print overall_comparison object
print.scikitlearn_set Prints scikitlearn_set class
print.training_test_comparison Print funnel_measure object
training_test_comparison Compare performance of model between training and test set
yhat.GraphLearner Wrapper over the predict function
yhat.H2OBinomialModel Wrapper over the predict function
yhat.H2OMultinomialModel Wrapper over the predict function
yhat.H2ORegressionModel Wrapper over the predict function
yhat.keras Wrapper over the predict function
yhat.LearnerClassif Wrapper over the predict function
yhat.LearnerRegr Wrapper over the predict function
yhat.model_stack Wrapper over the predict function
yhat.scikitlearn_model Wrapper over the predict function
yhat.workflow Wrapper over the predict function
yhat.WrappedModel Wrapper over the predict function
yhat.xgb.Booster Wrapper over the predict function