as_daisie_datatable {DAISIEprep}R Documentation

Converts the Island_tbl class to a data frame in the format of a DAISIE data table (see DAISIE R package for details). This can then be input into DAISIEprep::create_daisie_data() function which creates the list input into the DAISIE ML models.


Converts the Island_tbl class to a data frame in the format of a DAISIE data table (see DAISIE R package for details). This can then be input into DAISIEprep::create_daisie_data() function which creates the list input into the DAISIE ML models.


as_daisie_datatable(island_tbl, island_age, precise_col_time = TRUE)



An instance of the Island_tbl class.


Age of the island in appropriate units.


Boolean, TRUE uses the precise times of colonisation, FALSE makes every colonist a max age colonistion and uses minimum age of colonisation if available.


A data frame in the format of a DAISIE data table


Joshua W. Lambert, Pedro Neves


phylod <- create_test_phylod(10)
island_tbl <- extract_island_species(
  phylod = phylod,
  extraction_method = "asr"

# Example where precise colonisation times are known
daisie_datatable <- as_daisie_datatable(
  island_tbl = island_tbl,
  island_age = 0.2,
  precise_col_time = TRUE

# Example where colonisation times are uncertain and set to max ages
daisie_datatable <- as_daisie_datatable(
  island_tbl = island_tbl,
  island_age = 0.2,
  precise_col_time = FALSE

[Package DAISIEprep version 0.4.0 Index]