forecast.fitLCmulti {CvmortalityMult}R Documentation

Function to forecast multi-population mortality model


R function for forecasting additive and multiplicative multi-population mortality model developed by: Debon et al (2011) and Russolillo et al. (2011), respectively. This model follows the structure of the well-known Lee-Carter model (Lee and Carter, 1992) but including an additive or multiplicative parameter to capture the behavior of each population considered. This parameter seeks to capture the individual behavior of every population considered. It should be mentioned that this function is developed for fitting several populations. However, in case you only consider one population, the function will fit the single population version of the Lee-Carter model, the classical one.


## S3 method for class 'fitLCmulti'
  ktmethod = c("Arimapdq", "arima010"),
  kt_include.cte = TRUE,



object "fitLCmulti" developed using function fitLCmulti(). With this object the function will determine the multi-population fitted with the function fitLCmulti().


number of periods ahead to forecast.


method used to forecast the value of kt Arima(p,d,q) or ARIMA(0,1,0); c("Arimapdq", "arima010").


if you want that kt include constant in the arima process.


other arguments for iarima.


A list with class "forLCmulti" including different components of the forecasting process:


Debon, A., Montes, F., & Martinez-Ruiz, F. (2011). Statistical methods to compare mortality for a group with non-divergent populations: an application to Spanish regions. European Actuarial Journal, 1, 291-308.

Lee, R.D. & Carter, L.R. (1992). Modeling and forecasting US mortality. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 87(419), 659–671.

Russolillo, M., Giordano, G., & Haberman, S. (2011). Extending the Lee–Carter model: a three-way decomposition. Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, 2011(2), 96-117.

See Also

fitLCmulti, plot.fitLCmulti, plot.forLCmulti, multipopulation_cv, multipopulation_loocv, iarima


#The example takes more than 5 seconds because it includes
#several fitting and forecasting process and hence all
#the process is included in donttest

#First, we present the data that we are going to use
ages <- c(0, 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90)

#In the case, the user wants to fit the additive multi-population mortality model
additive_Spainmales <- fitLCmulti(model = "additive",
                              qxt = SpainRegions$qx_male,
                              periods = c(1991:2020),
                              ages = c(ages),
                              nPop = 18,
                              lxt = SpainRegions$lx_male)


#If the user does not provide the model inside the function fitLCmult()
#the multi-population mortality model applied will be additive one.

#Once, we have fit the data, it is possible to see the ax, bx, kt, and Ii
#provided parameters for the fitting.

#Once, we have fit the data, it is possible to forecast the multipopulation
#mortality model several years ahead, for example 10, as follows:
fut_additive_Spainmales <- forecast(object = additive_Spainmales, nahead = 10,
                                    ktmethod = "Arimapdq", kt_include.cte = TRUE)

#Once the data have been adjusted, it is possible to display the fitted kt and
#its out-of-sample forecasting. In addition, the function shows
#the logit mortality adjusted in-sample and projected out-of-sample
#for the mean age of the data considered in all populations.

#In the case, the user wants to fit the multiplicative multi-population mortality model
multiplicative_Spainmales <- fitLCmulti(model = "multiplicative",
                              qxt = SpainRegions$qx_male,
                              periods = c(1991:2020),
                              ages = c(ages),
                              nPop = 18,
                              lxt = SpainRegions$lx_male)


#Once, we have fit the data, it is possible to see the ax, bx, kt, and It
#provided parameters for the fitting.

#Once, we have fit the data, it is possible to forecast the multipopulation
#mortality model several years ahead, for example 10, as follows:
fut_multi_Spainmales <- forecast(object = multiplicative_Spainmales, nahead = 10,
                                 ktmethod = "Arimapdq", kt_include.cte = TRUE)

#Once the data have been adjusted, it is possible to display the fitted kt and
#its out-of-sample forecasting. In addition, the function shows
#the logit mortality adjusted in-sample and projected out-of-sample
#for the mean age of the data considered in all populations.

#As we mentioned in the details of the function, if we only provide the data
#from one-population the function fitLCmulti()
#will fit the Lee-Carter model for single populations.
LC_Spainmales <- fitLCmulti(qxt = SpainNat$qx_male,
                              periods = c(1991:2020),
                              ages = ages,
                              nPop = 1)


#Once, we have fit the data, it is possible to see the ax, bx, and kt
#parameters provided for the single version of the LC.

#Once, we have fit the data, it is possible to forecast the multipopulation
#mortality model several years ahead, for example 10, as follows:
fut_LC_Spainmales <- forecast(object = LC_Spainmales, nahead = 10,
                              ktmethod = "Arimapdq", kt_include.cte = TRUE)

#Once the data have been adjusted, it is possible to display the fitted kt and
#its out-of-sample forecasting. In addition, the function shows
#the logit mortality adjusted in-sample and projected out-of-sample
#for the mean age of the data considered in all populations.

[Package CvmortalityMult version 1.0.3 Index]