SMC.AuxSP {CureAuxSP}R Documentation

Semi-parametric mixture cure model with auxiliary subgroup survival information


Fit the semi-parametric mixture cure model with auxiliary subgroup survival probability information based on the control variate technique.


  aux = NULL,
  hetero = FALSE,
  N = Inf,
  latency = "PH",
  nboot = 400



a formula expression, of the form response ~ predictors. The response is a Surv object (from R package "survival") with right censoring. It is used to specify the covariate (risk factor) effects on the failure time of uncured subjects. See the documentation for survreg and Surv in R package survival for details. The expression to the right of the "~" specifies the effect of covariates on the failure time of uncured patients.


indicator function a formula expression, of the form cureform ~ predictors. It is used to specify the effects of covariates on the cure rate. Note that a covariate is allowed to be used in both formula and cureform.


a survival dataset (dataframe) in which to interpret the variables named in the formula and the cureform.


indicates the historical aggregated statistics. It is a list of lists, and each sub-list represents auxiliary information from the same time point. We combine multiple time points together and each time point contains the following four elements tstar the time point that the auxiliary information was calculated at; sprob auxiliary subgroup survival rates for each subgroup at the current time point; gfunc a function used to identify the subgroup.


denotes a logical value. If it is TRUE, the penalization will be applied to identify the potential heterogeneous auxiliary subgroup survival rates and make a refinement to the final estimator.


records the sample size of the external sdata that we extract auxiliary information from. The default value is N = Inf, which is the case that the uncertainty is ignored. If N is not Inf, the method that takes the uncertainty into consideration will be adopted automatically.


specifies the model used in latency part. It can be PH which represents the proportional hazards model, or AFT which represents the accelerated failure time model. The default is the PH mixture cure model, that is, latency = "PH"


specifies the number of bootstrap sampling. The default nboot = 400.


This is a function used to fit the semiparametric mixture cure model with auxilary subgrop survival information. The method used here is the control variate technique. The test statistic for evaluating the homogeneity assumption will also be calculated.


An object of class SMC.AuxSP is returned. Specifically, it contains: model, a description of the model we fit; suffix, a character that indicates the status of auxiliary information; coefficients, estimated parameters. For more friendly presentation, we provide a function Print.SMC.AuxSP() that can examine this newly defined class.


# illustration via simulated dataset (from PH mixture cure model) ####

## library

## generate both the internal dataset of interest and the external dataset

# - the internal dataset
sdata.internal <- sdata.SMC(n = 300)

# - the external dataset
sdata.external <- sdata.SMC(n = 10000)

## prepare the auxiliary information based on the external dataset

# - define two functions for subgroup splitting
gfunc.t1 <- function(X,Z=NULL){
  rbind((X[,1] <  0 & X[,2] == 0), (X[,1] >= 0 & X[,2] == 0),
        (X[,1] <  0 & X[,2] == 1), (X[,1] >= 0 & X[,2] == 1))}
gfunc.t2 <- function(X,Z=NULL){rbind((X[,2] == 0), (X[,2] == 1))}

# - calculate subgroup survival rates
sprob.t1 <- Probs.Sub(tstar = 1, sdata = sdata.external,
                      G = gfunc.t1(X = sdata.external[,-c(1,2)]))
sprob.t2 <- Probs.Sub(tstar = 2, sdata = sdata.external,
                      G = gfunc.t2(X = sdata.external[,-c(1,2)]))
cat("Information at t* = 1:", sprob.t1, "\nInformation at t* = 2:", sprob.t2)

# - prepare the set that collects information about auxiliary data
aux <- list(
  time1 = list(tstar = 1, gfunc = gfunc.t1, sprob = c(0.73,0.70,0.88,0.83)),
  time2 = list(tstar = 2, gfunc = gfunc.t2, sprob = c(0.62,0.76)-0.20)

## fit the model without auxiliary information
sol.PHMC <-  SMC.AuxSP(
  formula = Surv(yobs,delta) ~ X1 + X2, cureform = ~ X1,
  sdata = sdata.internal, aux = NULL, latency = "PH"
Print.SMC.AuxSP(object = sol.PHMC)

## fit the model with auxiliary information

# - ignore heterogeneity
sol.PHMC.Homo <-  SMC.AuxSP(
  formula = Surv(yobs,delta) ~ X1 + X2, cureform = ~ X1,
  sdata = sdata.internal, aux = aux, hetero = FALSE, latency = "PH"
Print.SMC.AuxSP(object = sol.PHMC.Homo)

# - consider heterogeneity
sol.PHMC.Hetero <-  SMC.AuxSP(
  formula = Surv(yobs,delta) ~ X1 + X2, cureform = ~ X1,
  sdata = sdata.internal, aux = aux, hetero = TRUE, latency = "PH"
Print.SMC.AuxSP(object = sol.PHMC.Hetero)

# illustration via real breast cancer dataset (from TCGA program) ####
#   - the R package "TCGAbiolinks" should be downloaded in advance
#   - see "10.18129/B9.bioc.TCGAbiolinks" for more help

## library

## prepare the breast cancer dataset

# - download clinical data from the TCGA website
query <- TCGAbiolinks::GDCquery(project = "TCGA-BRCA",
                                data.category = "Clinical", file.type = "xml")
clinical <- TCGAbiolinks::GDCprepare_clinic(query, = "patient")

# - a preparation
sdata.pre <- data.frame(
  yobs   = ifelse(![,'days_to_death']),clinical[,'days_to_death'],
  delta  = ifelse(![,'days_to_death']),1,0),
  ER     = ifelse(
  Age    = clinical[,'age_at_initial_pathologic_diagnosis'],
  Race   = ifelse(clinical[,'race_list']=='BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN','black',
  Gender = ifelse(clinical[,'gender']=='FEMALE','Female',
  Stage  = sapply(
    function(x,pattern='Stage X|Stage IV|Stage [I]*'){
      ifelse(grepl(pattern,x),regmatches(x,regexpr(pattern,x)),NA)},USE.NAMES = FALSE)

# - extract covariates and remove undesiable subjects and NA
sdata.TCGA <- na.omit(
    sdata.pre[,'yobs'] > 0
    & sdata.pre[,'Age'] <= 75
    & sdata.pre[,'Gender'] == "Female"
    & sdata.pre[,'Race'] %in% c('white')
    & sdata.pre[,'Stage'] %in% c('Stage I','Stage II','Stage III'),
rownames(sdata.TCGA) <- NULL

# - summary statistics of the internal dataset

## plot a figure to show the existence of a cure fraction
# pdf("Figure_KM_TCGA_BRCA.pdf",width=8.88,height=6.66); {
  survival::survfit(survival::Surv(yobs, delta) ~ 1, data = sdata.TCGA), = T, mark.time = TRUE, lwd = 2,
  ylab = "Survival Probability", xlab = "Survival Time (in Years)",
  xlim = c(0,25), ylim = c(0,1)
# };

## fit the model without auxiliary information

# - rescale the Age variable
Age.Min <- min(sdata.TCGA$Age); Age.Max <- max(sdata.TCGA$Age)
sdata.TCGA$Age <- (sdata.TCGA$Age-Age.Min)/(Age.Max-Age.Min)

# - fit the model
sol.PHMC <-  SMC.AuxSP(
  formula = Surv(yobs,delta) ~ Age + ER, cureform = ~ Age + ER,
  sdata = sdata.TCGA, aux = NULL, latency = "PH"
Print.SMC.AuxSP(object = sol.PHMC)

## fit the model with auxiliary information

# - prepare the auxiliary information
Age.Cut <- c(0,(c(40,50,60)-Age.Min)/(Age.Max-Age.Min),1)
gfunc.t1 <- function(X,Z){
  rbind((X[,1] >= Age.Cut[1] & X[,1] <  Age.Cut[2] & X[,2] == 1),
        (X[,1] >= Age.Cut[2] & X[,1] <  Age.Cut[3] & X[,2] == 1),
        (X[,1] >= Age.Cut[3] & X[,1] <  Age.Cut[4] & X[,2] == 1),
        (X[,1] >= Age.Cut[4] & X[,1] <= Age.Cut[5] & X[,2] == 1),
        (X[,1] >= Age.Cut[1] & X[,1] <  Age.Cut[2] & X[,2] == 0),
        (X[,1] >= Age.Cut[2] & X[,1] <  Age.Cut[3] & X[,2] == 0),
        (X[,1] >= Age.Cut[3] & X[,1] <  Age.Cut[4] & X[,2] == 0),
        (X[,1] >= Age.Cut[4] & X[,1] <= Age.Cut[5] & X[,2] == 0))}
gfunc.t2 <- function(X,Z){rbind((X[,2] == 1), (X[,2] == 0))}
aux <- list(
  time1 = list(tstar = 5, gfunc = gfunc.t1,
               sprob = c(0.810,0.935,0.925,0.950,0.695,0.780,0.830,0.850)),
  time2 = list(tstar = 10, gfunc = gfunc.t2, sprob = c(0.825,0.705))

# - ignore heterogeneity
sol.PHMC.Homo <-  SMC.AuxSP(
  formula = Surv(yobs,delta) ~ Age + ER, cureform = ~ Age + ER,
  sdata = sdata.TCGA, aux = aux, hetero = FALSE, N = 1910, latency = "PH"
Print.SMC.AuxSP(object = sol.PHMC.Homo)

# - consider heterogeneity
sol.PHMC.Hetero <-  SMC.AuxSP(
  formula = Surv(yobs,delta) ~ Age + ER, cureform = ~ Age + ER,
  sdata = sdata.TCGA, aux = aux, hetero = TRUE, N = 1910, latency = "PH"
Print.SMC.AuxSP(object = sol.PHMC.Hetero)

[Package CureAuxSP version 0.0.1 Index]