Crossoverdesigns {Crossover}R Documentation

Selected Cross-Over designs from literature


Selected Cross-Over designs from literature.

You can access all designs via the function getDesign as in the example getDesign("williams4t").


A integer matrix specifying the design. Rows represent periods and columns the subjects.


These data sets are stored combined by prefix, so alternatively to using the recommended function getDesign you coud access for example design fletcher10 by using the command data(fletcher10) and afterwards all 31 design from fletcher1 up to fletcher31 are loaded.

The available data sets are:

federerAtkinson3ta, federerAtkinson3tb, federerAtkinson4ta, federerAtkinson4tb, federerAtkinson5ta, fletcher1, fletcher10, fletcher11, fletcher12, fletcher13, fletcher14, fletcher15, fletcher16, fletcher17, fletcher18, fletcher19, fletcher2, fletcher20, fletcher21, fletcher22, fletcher23, fletcher24, fletcher25, fletcher26, fletcher27, fletcher28, fletcher29, fletcher3, fletcher30, fletcher31, fletcher4, fletcher5, fletcher6, fletcher7, fletcher8, fletcher9, iqbalJones1, iqbalJones10, iqbalJones11, iqbalJones12, iqbalJones13, iqbalJones14, iqbalJones15, iqbalJones16, iqbalJones17, iqbalJones18, iqbalJones19, iqbalJones2, iqbalJones20, iqbalJones21, iqbalJones22, iqbalJones23, iqbalJones24, iqbalJones25, iqbalJones26, iqbalJones27, iqbalJones28, iqbalJones29, iqbalJones3, iqbalJones30, iqbalJones31, iqbalJones32, iqbalJones33, iqbalJones34, iqbalJones35, iqbalJones36, iqbalJones37, iqbalJones38, iqbalJones39, iqbalJones4, iqbalJones40, iqbalJones41, iqbalJones42, iqbalJones5, iqbalJones6, iqbalJones7, iqbalJones8, iqbalJones9, lewisFletcherMatthews1, lewisFletcherMatthews10, lewisFletcherMatthews11, lewisFletcherMatthews12, lewisFletcherMatthews13, lewisFletcherMatthews14, lewisFletcherMatthews15, lewisFletcherMatthews16, lewisFletcherMatthews17, lewisFletcherMatthews18, lewisFletcherMatthews19, lewisFletcherMatthews2, lewisFletcherMatthews20, lewisFletcherMatthews3, lewisFletcherMatthews4, lewisFletcherMatthews5, lewisFletcherMatthews6, lewisFletcherMatthews7, lewisFletcherMatthews8, lewisFletcherMatthews9, orthogonalLatinSquare3t, orthogonalLatinSquare4t, orthogonalLatinSquare5t, orthogonalLatinSquare7t, pattersonLucasExtraPeriod30, pattersonLucasExtraPeriod31, pattersonLucasExtraPeriod32, pattersonLucasExtraPeriod33, pattersonLucasExtraPeriod34, pattersonLucasExtraPeriod35, pattersonLucasExtraPeriod36, pattersonLucasExtraPeriod37, pattersonLucasExtraPeriod38, pattersonLucasExtraPeriod39, pattersonLucasExtraPeriod40, pattersonLucasExtraPeriod41, pattersonLucasExtraPeriod42, pattersonLucasExtraPeriod43, pattersonLucasExtraPeriod44, pattersonLucasExtraPeriod45, pattersonLucasExtraPeriod46, pattersonLucasExtraPeriod47, pattersonLucasExtraPeriod48, pattersonLucasExtraPeriod49, pattersonLucasExtraPeriod86, pattersonLucasPBIBD100, pattersonLucasPBIBD101, pattersonLucasPBIBD102, pattersonLucasPBIBD103, pattersonLucasPBIBD104, pattersonLucasPBIBD105, pattersonLucasPBIBD106, pattersonLucasPBIBD107, pattersonLucasPBIBD125, pattersonLucasPBIBD126, pattersonLucasPBIBD127, pattersonLucasPBIBD128, pattersonLucasPBIBD131, pattersonLucasPBIBD132, pattersonLucasPBIBD133, pattersonLucasPBIBD134, pattersonLucasPBIBD135, pattersonLucasPBIBD136, pattersonLucasPBIBD137, pattersonLucasPBIBD138, pattersonLucasPBIBD139, pattersonLucasPBIBD140, pattersonLucasPBIBD141, pattersonLucasPBIBD153, pattersonLucasPBIBD154, pattersonLucasPBIBD155, pattersonLucasPBIBD156, pattersonLucasPBIBD99, pattersonLucasPltT1, pattersonLucasPltT10, pattersonLucasPltT12, pattersonLucasPltT13, pattersonLucasPltT15, pattersonLucasPltT16, pattersonLucasPltT17, pattersonLucasPltT18, pattersonLucasPltT19, pattersonLucasPltT20, pattersonLucasPltT21, pattersonLucasPltT22, pattersonLucasPltT23, pattersonLucasPltT3, pattersonLucasPltT4, pattersonLucasPltT5, pattersonLucasPltT7, pattersonLucasPltT8, pattersonLucasPltT9, pidgeon1, pidgeon10, pidgeon11, pidgeon12, pidgeon13, pidgeon14, pidgeon15, pidgeon16, pidgeon17, pidgeon18, pidgeon19, pidgeon2, pidgeon20, pidgeon3, pidgeon4, pidgeon5, pidgeon6, pidgeon7, pidgeon8, pidgeon9, prescott1, prescott2, quenouille3t1, quenouille3t2, quenouille4t1, quenouille4t2, quenouille4t3, russel4t, russel7t, switchback3t, switchback4t, switchback5t, switchback6t, switchback7t, williams3t, williams4t, williams5t, williams6t, williams7t, williams8t, williams9t, pb2.64.


Anderson, I. and Preece, D.A. (2002) Locally balanced change-over designs. Utilitas Mathematica, To appear.

Anderson, I. (2002) Personal communication.

Archdeacon, D.S., Dinitz J.H., Stinson, D.R. and Tillson, T.W. (1980) Some new row-complete latin squares, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 29, 395-398.

Atkinson, G.F. (1966) Designs for sequences of treatments with carry-over effects. Biometrics, 22, 292–309.

Balaam, L.N. (1968) A two-period design with t2t^2 experimental units. Biometrics, 24, 61–73.

Bate, S. and Jones, B. (2002) The construction of universally optimal uniform cross-over designs. GlaxoSmithKline Biomedical Data Sciences Technical Report 2002-06.

Berenblut, I.I. (1964) Change-over designs with complete balance for residual effects. Biometrics, 23, 578–580.

Blaisdell, E.A. and Raghavarao, D. (1980) Partially balanced change-over designs based on m-associate class PBIB designs. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, B, 42, 334–338.

Clatworthy, W. H. (1973). Tables of two-associate-class partially balanced designs. US Government Printing Office.

Davis, A.W. and Hall, W.B. (1969) Cyclic change-over designs. Biometrika, 56, 283–293.

Federer, W.T. and Atkinson, G.F. (1964) Tied-double-change-over designs. Biometrics, 20, 168–181.

Fletcher, D.J. (1987) A new class of change-over designs for factorial experiments. Biometrika, 74, 649–654.

Iqbal, I. and Jones, B. (1994) Efficient repeated measurements designs with equal and unequal period sizes. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 42, 79-88.

Factorial cross-over designs in clinical trials, Lewis, S.M., Fletcher, D.J. and Matthews, J.N.S. In Optimal Design and Analysis of Experiments, Editors, Dodge, Y., Fedorov, V.V. and Wynn, H.P. (1988), 133–140, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland).

Cochran, W.G., Autrey, K.M. and Cannon, C.Y. (1941) A double change-over design for dairy cattle feeding experiments. Journal of Dairy Science, 24, 937–951

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Prescott, P. (1994) Construction of sequentially counterbalanced designs formed from two or more Latin Squares. Proceedings of the 11th Symposium on Computational Statistics held in Vienna, Austria. Editors Dutter, R. and Grossmann, W., Physica-Verlag: Heidelberg, 435-440.

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Russell, K.R. (1991) The construction of good change-over designs when there are fewer units than treatments. Biometrika, 78, 305-313.

Lucas, H.L. (1956) Switch-back trials for more than two treatments. Journal of Diary Science, 39, 146–154.

Williams, E.J. (1949) Experimental designs balanced for the estimation of residual effects of treatments. Australian Journal of Science Res(A), 2, 14900168.




[Package Crossover version 0.1-22 Index]