Flexible Univariate Count Models Based on Renewal Processes

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Documentation for package ‘Countr’ version 3.5.8

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Countr-package Flexible Univariate Count Models Based on Renewal Processes
addBootSampleObject Create a bootsrap sample for coefficient estimates
addBootSampleObject.renewal Methods for renewal objects
chiSq_gof Formal Chi-square goodness-of-fit test
chiSq_gof.glm Formal Chi-square goodness-of-fit test
chiSq_gof.negbin Formal Chi-square goodness-of-fit test
chiSq_gof.renewal Formal Chi-square goodness-of-fit test
chiSq_pearson Pearson Chi-Square test
chiSq_pearson.glm Pearson Chi-Square test
chiSq_pearson.renewal Pearson Chi-Square test
coef.renewal Methods for renewal objects
compareToGLM Compare renewals fit to glm models fit
confint.renewal Methods for renewal objects
Countr Flexible Univariate Count Models Based on Renewal Processes
CountrFormula Create a formula for renewalCount
count_table Summary of a count variable
dCount_conv_bi Compute count probabilities using convolution
dCount_conv_loglik_bi Log-likelihood of a count probability computed by convolution (bi)
dCount_conv_loglik_user Log-likelihood of a count probability computed by convolution (bi)
dCount_conv_user Compute count probabilities using convolution
df.residual.renewal Methods for renewal objects
dmodifiedCount_bi Compute count probabilities based on modified renewal process (bi)
dmodifiedCount_user Compute count probabilities based on modified renewal process (bi)
dWeibullCount Probability calculations for Weibull count models
dWeibullCount_loglik Probability calculations for Weibull count models
dWeibullgammaCount_mat_Covariates Univariate Weibull Count Probability with gamma and covariate heterogeneity
evCount_conv_bi Expected value and variance of renewal count process
evCount_conv_user Expected value and variance of renewal count process
evWeibullCount Probability calculations for Weibull count models
extractAIC.renewal Methods for renewal objects
fertility Fertility data
fitted.renewal Methods for renewal objects
football Football data
frequency_plot Plot a frequency chart
getParNames Return the names of distribution parameters
logLik.renewal Methods for renewal objects
model.matrix.renewal Methods for renewal objects
nobs.renewal Methods for renewal objects
predict.renewal Predict method for renewal objects
print.renewal Methods for renewal objects
print.summary.renewal Methods for renewal objects
renewalCoef Get named vector of coefficients for renewal objects
renewalCoefList Split a vector using the prefixes of the names for grouping
renewalCount Fit renewal count processes regression models
renewalNames Get names of parameters of renewal regression models
renewal_methods Methods for renewal objects
residuals.renewal Methods for renewal objects
residuals_plot Method to visualise the residuals
residuals_plot.renewal Methods for renewal objects
se.coef Extract Standard Errors of Model Coefficients
se.coef.renewal Extract Standard Errors of Model Coefficients
summary.renewal Methods for renewal objects
surv Wrapper to built-in survival functions
vcov.renewal Methods for renewal objects