Model.Fit {CorrMixed}R Documentation

Compare the fit of linear mixed-effects models


This function compares the fit of Model 1 (random intercept) and 2 (random intercept and Gausssian serial correlation), and of Model 2 (random intercept and Gausssian serial correlation) and 3 (random intercept, slope and Gausssian serial correlation)


Model.Fit(Model.1, Model.2)



An object of class WS.Corr.Mixed, the first fitted model.


Another object of class WS.Corr.Mixed, the second fitted model.


Wim Van der Elst, Geert Molenberghs, Ralf-Dieter Hilgers, & Nicole Heussen


Van der Elst, W., Molenberghs, G., Hilgers, R., & Heussen, N. (2015). Estimating the reliability of repeatedly measured endpoints based on linear mixed-effects models. A tutorial. Submitted.

See Also




# Code predictors for time
Example.Data$Time2 <- Example.Data$Time**2
Example.Data$Time3 <- Example.Data$Time**3
Example.Data$Time3_log <- (Example.Data$Time**3) * (log(Example.Data$Time))

# model 1
Model1 <- WS.Corr.Mixed(
Fixed.Part=Outcome ~ Time2 + Time3 + Time3_log + as.factor(Cycle) 
+ as.factor(Condition), Random.Part = ~ 1|Id, 
Dataset=Example.Data, Model=1, Id="Id", 
Number.Bootstrap = 0, Seed = 12345)

# model 2
Model2 <- WS.Corr.Mixed(
Fixed.Part=Outcome ~ Time2 + Time3 + Time3_log + as.factor(Cycle) 
+ as.factor(Condition), Random.Part = ~ 1|Id, 
Correlation=corGaus(form= ~ Time, nugget = TRUE),
Dataset=Example.Data, Model=2, Id="Id", 
Number.Bootstrap = 0, Seed = 12345)

# model 3
Model3 <- WS.Corr.Mixed(
  Fixed.Part=Outcome ~ Time2 + Time3 + Time3_log + as.factor(Cycle) 
  + as.factor(Condition), Random.Part = ~ 1 + Time|Id, 
  Correlation=corGaus(form= ~ Time, nugget = TRUE),
  Dataset=Example.Data, Model=3, Id="Id", 
  Number.Bootstrap = 0, Seed = 12345)

# compare models 1 and 2
Model.Fit(Model.1=Model1, Model.2=Model2)

# compare models 2 and 3
Model.Fit(Model.1=Model2, Model.2=Model3)

[Package CorrMixed version 1.1 Index]