visualize {CoreMicrobiomeR}R Documentation

Visualizing the effect of minimum count on the core size


The visualize function generates interactive line plots that allow users to explore the impact of different min_count values on the number of core OTUs. Users can interact with the plots to examine the relationship between filtering criteria and core OTU identification visually.


visualize(filtered_otu, min_count_val, max_count_val, count_val_interval,
prop, min_total_count, method, top_percentage)



A dataframe of OTUs obtained before filtering which is retrieved from CoreMicrobiome function where the first row is the OTU ID and column names refer to sites/sample names


A numeric value of Minimum count for each OTU to be present in each to be included after the filtering


A numeric value of Maximum count for each OTU to be present in each to be included after the filtering


Count value interval for each OTU to be present in each to be included after the filtering


Minimum proportion of samples in which an OTU must be present


Minimum total count for each OTU to be included after the filtering


Different normalization methods, includes "rrarefy", "srs", "css", "tmm", or "none"


Percentage used for obtaining the Core OTUs


This function gives a line plot which shows change in number of core OTUs with minimum count


#To run input data
core_1 <- CoreMicrobiome(
 otu_table = demo_otu,
 tax_table = demo_tax,
 metadata_table = demo_md,
 filter_type = "occupancy_fun_filter", #Or "abundance_fun_filter", Or "combined_filter"
 percent = 0.5,
 method = "css",  # Or "srs", "rrarefy", "tmm", "tmmwsp", "rle", "upperquartile", "none"
 beta_diversity_method = "jaccard",
 top_percentage = 10  # Adjust the percentage as needed for core/non-core OTUs
#To view the line plot
visualize(filtered_otu = core_1[["final_otu_table_bef_filter"]],
         min_count_val = 5,
         max_count_val = 25,
         count_val_interval = 5,
         prop = 0.1,
         min_total_count = 10,
         method = "srs",
         top_percentage =10)

[Package CoreMicrobiomeR version 0.1.0 Index]