CT_Critical_Values {ConcordanceTest}R Documentation

Critical Values of the Concordance and Kruskal-Wallis Tests


This function computes the critical values and the p-values for a desired significance levels of .10, .05 and .01. of the Concordance and Kruskal-Wallis tests. Critical values and p-values can be obtained exactly or by simulation (default option).


CT_Critical_Values(Sample_Sizes, Num_Sim = 10000, H = 0, verbose = TRUE)



Numeric vector (n1,...,nk) containing the number of repetitions of each element, i.e., the size of each sample in the experiment.


Number of simulations in order to obtain the probability distribution of the statistics. The default is 10000. If set to 0, the critical values and the p-values are obtained exactly. Otherwise they are obtained by simulation.


0 by default. If set to 1, the critical values and the p-values of the Kruskal-Wallis test are also calculated and returned.


A logical indicating if some "progress report" of the simulations should be given. The default is TRUE.


The function returns a list with the following elements:

  1. C_results: Concordance coefficient results. Critical values and p-values for a desired significance levels of 0.1, .05 and .01.

  2. H_results: Kruskal-Wallis results. Critical values and p-values for a desired significance levels of 0.1, .05 and .01 (only if H = 1).


The computational time in exact calculations increases exponentially with the number of elements and with the number of sets.


Sample_Sizes <- c(3,3,3)
CT_Critical_Values(Sample_Sizes, Num_Sim = 0, H = 1)

CT_Critical_Values(Sample_Sizes, Num_Sim = 1000, H = 1)

[Package ConcordanceTest version 1.0.3 Index]