Contingency Measure-Based Networks for Binary Time Series

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Documentation for package ‘ConNEcT’ version 0.7.27

Help Pages

AttachmentData Attachment-related mother-child interaction dataset
barplot.conData Depict the relative frequencies (and conditional probabilities) of a binary time series in a barplot
conData Explore and tidy raw data
conMx Calculate contingency measure values of a (lagged) time series matrix
conNEcT Calculate the link strength between multiple behaviors and return them as a matrix (optionally discarting all non-significant links)
conProf Compare different lags in a contingency profile
conTest Test significance
FamilyData Affective family interaction dataset
funClassJacc Calculate the classic Jaccard index between two vectors
funCorrJacc Calculate the corrected Jaccard index between two vectors
funKappa Calculate Cohen's kappa between two vectors
funLogOdds Calculate the log odds ratio between two vectors
funOdds Calculate the odds ratio between two vectors
funPhiCC Calculate the phi correllation coefficient index between two vectors
funPropAgree Calculate the proportion of agreement between two vectors
getProb Retrieve (conditional) probabilities from binary time series
hist.conTest Plot histogram matrix of the significance test
lagthemats Lag a matrix
modelAD Generate data with model-based approach accounting for auto-dependence
modelNO Generate data with model-based approach ignoring auto-dependence
permutAD Generate data with permutation-based approach accounting for auto-dependence
permutNO Generate data with permutation-based approach ignoring auto-dependence
plot.conData Visualize the course of the variables over time
plot.conProf Draw contingency profiles
qgraph.conNEcT Draws a Network figure
SymptomData Depression symptom dataset