checkDatasets {CompositeReliability}R Documentation

checkDatasets: assert that the given datasets adhere to the assumptions and requirements of this package i.e. the data set 'mydata' is a dataframe with 3 columns, named "ID", "Type" and "Score", column "Score" contains numeric data, and each combination of "ID" and "Type" exists at least once, data set n contains a numerical value for each "Type", and data set weights contains a numerical value for each "Type" and the sum of all values is equal to 1.


checkDatasets: assert that the given datasets adhere to the assumptions and requirements of this package i.e. the data set 'mydata' is a dataframe with 3 columns, named "ID", "Type" and "Score", column "Score" contains numeric data, and each combination of "ID" and "Type" exists at least once, data set n contains a numerical value for each "Type", and data set weights contains a numerical value for each "Type" and the sum of all values is equal to 1.


checkDatasets(mydata, n = NULL, weights = NULL)



A dataframe containing columns ID, Type, Score (numeric)


A vector containing for each Type the number of score or assessments assessments, e.g. averages, requirements.


A vector containing for each Type the weight assigned to it. The sum of weights should be equal to 1.


A list with the number of Assessments per ID per Type


checkDatasets(mydata, n=c("A"=10, "B"=5, "C"=2), weights=c("A"=1/3,"B"=1/3, "C"=1/3))

[Package CompositeReliability version 1.0.3 Index]