Statistical Functions for the Design of Studies with Composite Endpoints

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Documentation for package ‘CompAREdesign’ version 2.3.1

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ARE_cbe ARE method for composite binary endpoints
ARE_tte ARE method for composite time to event endpoints
effectsize_cbe Effect for composite binary endpoints
effectsize_tte Effect for composite time-to-event endpoints
lower_corr Lower bound for Pearson's Correlation
plot_tte Plot graphics related to the composite endpoint.
prob_cbe Probability of composite binary endpoints
samplesize_cbe Sample size for composite binary endpoints
samplesize_tte Sample size for composite time to event endpoints
simula_cbe Simulation of binary composite endpoints
simula_tte Simulation of composite time-to-event endpoints
surv_tte Survival function for composite time-to-event endpoints
upper_corr Upper bound for Pearson's Correlation