collapseCohorts |
Collapse cohort entries using a certain gap to concatenate records. |
conceptCohort |
Create cohorts based on a concept set |
demographicsCohort |
Create cohorts based on patient demographics |
entryAtFirstDate |
Update cohort start date to be the first date from of a set of column dates |
entryAtLastDate |
Set cohort start date to the last of a set of column dates |
exitAtDeath |
Set cohort end date to death date |
exitAtFirstDate |
Set cohort end date to the first of a set of column dates |
exitAtLastDate |
Set cohort end date to the last of a set of column dates |
exitAtObservationEnd |
Set cohort end date to end of observation |
intersectCohorts |
Generate a combination cohort set between the intersection of different cohorts. |
matchCohorts |
Generate a new cohort matched cohort |
measurementCohort |
Create cohorts measurement based cohorts |
mockCohortConstructor |
Function to create a mock cdm reference for CohortConstructor |
requireAge |
Restrict cohort on age |
requireCohortIntersect |
Require cohort subjects are present (or absence) in another cohort |
requireConceptIntersect |
Require cohort subjects to have (or not have) events of a concept list |
requireDeathFlag |
Require cohort subjects have (or do not have) a death record |
requireDemographics |
Restrict cohort on patient demographics |
requireFutureObservation |
Restrict cohort on future observation |
requireInDateRange |
Require that an index date is within a date range |
requireIsFirstEntry |
Restrict cohort to first entry |
requireIsLastEntry |
Restrict cohort to last entry per person |
requirePriorObservation |
Restrict cohort on prior observation |
requireSex |
Restrict cohort on sex |
requireTableIntersect |
Require cohort subjects are present in another clinical table |
sampleCohorts |
Sample a cohort table for a given number of individuals. |
stratifyCohorts |
Create a new cohort table from stratifying an existing one |
subsetCohorts |
Generate a cohort table using a subset of cohorts from another table. |
trimDemographics |
Restrict cohort on patient demographics |
trimToDateRange |
Trim cohort dates to be within a date range |
unionCohorts |
Generate cohort from the union of different cohorts |
yearCohorts |
Generate a new cohort table restricting cohort entries to certain years |