Build and Manipulate Study Cohorts Using a Common Data Model

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Documentation for package ‘CohortConstructor’ version 0.2.1

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collapseCohorts Collapse cohort entries using a certain gap to concatenate records.
conceptCohort Create cohorts based on a concept set
demographicsCohort Create cohorts based on patient demographics
entryAtFirstDate Update cohort start date to be the first date from of a set of column dates
entryAtLastDate Set cohort start date to the last of a set of column dates
exitAtDeath Set cohort end date to death date
exitAtFirstDate Set cohort end date to the first of a set of column dates
exitAtLastDate Set cohort end date to the last of a set of column dates
exitAtObservationEnd Set cohort end date to end of observation
intersectCohorts Generate a combination cohort set between the intersection of different cohorts.
matchCohorts Generate a new cohort matched cohort
measurementCohort Create cohorts measurement based cohorts
mockCohortConstructor Function to create a mock cdm reference for CohortConstructor
requireAge Restrict cohort on age
requireCohortIntersect Require cohort subjects are present (or absence) in another cohort
requireConceptIntersect Require cohort subjects to have (or not have) events of a concept list
requireDeathFlag Require cohort subjects have (or do not have) a death record
requireDemographics Restrict cohort on patient demographics
requireFutureObservation Restrict cohort on future observation
requireInDateRange Require that an index date is within a date range
requireIsFirstEntry Restrict cohort to first entry
requireIsLastEntry Restrict cohort to last entry per person
requirePriorObservation Restrict cohort on prior observation
requireSex Restrict cohort on sex
requireTableIntersect Require cohort subjects are present in another clinical table
sampleCohorts Sample a cohort table for a given number of individuals.
stratifyCohorts Create a new cohort table from stratifying an existing one
subsetCohorts Generate a cohort table using a subset of cohorts from another table.
trimDemographics Restrict cohort on patient demographics
trimToDateRange Trim cohort dates to be within a date range
unionCohorts Generate cohort from the union of different cohorts
yearCohorts Generate a new cohort table restricting cohort entries to certain years