Identify Relevant Clinical Codes and Evaluate Their Use

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Documentation for package ‘CodelistGenerator’ version 3.1.0

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codesFromCohort Get concept ids from a provided path to cohort json files
codesFromConceptSet Get concept ids from a provided path to json files
codesInUse Use achilles counts to get codes used in the database
compareCodelists Compare two codelists
doseFormToRoute Equivalence from dose from concept IDs to route categories.
getATCCodes Get descendant codes for ATC levels
getCandidateCodes Generate candidate codelist for the OMOP CDM
getConceptClassId getConceptClassId
getDescendants getDescendants
getDomains getDomains
getDoseForm getDoseForm
getDoseUnit Get available routes in a cdm reference.
getDrugIngredientCodes Get descendant codes for drug ingredients
getICD10StandardCodes Get corresponding standard codes for ICD-10 chapters and sub-chapters
getMappings Show mappings from non-standard vocabularies to standard
getRelationshipId Get relationship ID values from the concept relationship table
getRouteCategories Get available routes in a cdm reference.
getVocabularies getVocabularies
getVocabVersion getVocabVersion
mockVocabRef Generate example vocabulary database
restrictToCodesInUse Use achilles counts to filter a codelist to keep only the codes used in the database
sourceCodesInUse Use achilles counts to get source codes used in the database
stratifyByConcept Stratify a codelist by the concepts included within it
stratifyByDoseUnit Stratify a codelist by dose unit
stratifyByRouteCategory Stratify a codelist by route category
subsetOnDoseUnit Subset a codelist to only those with a particular dose unit
subsetOnRouteCategory Subset a codelist to only those with a particular route category
subsetToCodesInUse Use achilles counts to filter a codelist to keep only the codes used in the database
summariseAchillesCodeUse Summarise code use from achilles counts
summariseCodeUse Summarise code use in patient-level data
summariseCohortCodeUse Summarise code use among a cohort in the cdm reference
summariseOrphanCodes Find orphan codes related to a codelist using achilles counts and, if available, PHOEBE concept recommendations
tableAchillesCodeUse Format the result of summariseAchillesCodeUse into a table.
tableCodeUse Format the result of summariseCodeUse into a table.
tableCohortCodeUse Format the result of summariseCohortCodeUse into a table.
tableOrphanCodes Format the result of summariseOrphanCodes into a table.