post.pred.check {CoMiRe}R Documentation

Posterior predictive check plot


A plot for an object of classCoMiRe class. The plot is a goodness-of-fit assessment of CoMiRe model. Since Version 0.8 if z is provided into the fit object, an error message is returned. If family = 'continuous', a smoothed empirical estimate of F(a|x) = pr(y < a | x) is computed from the observed data (black line) and from some of the data sets simulated from the posterior predictive distribution in the fit object (grey lines). If family = 'binary', a smoothed empirical estimate of the proportion of events (black line) and of the smoothed empirical proportion of data simulated from the posterior predictive distribution in the fit object (grey lines). In the x axis are reported the observed exposures.


post.pred.check(y, x, fit, mcmc, J=10, H=10, a, max.x=max(x), 
xlim=c(0, max(x)), bandwidth = 20, oneevery = 20)



numeric vector for the response used in comire.gibbs


numeric vector for the covariate relative to the dose of exposure used in comire.gibbs


the output of comire.gibbs opportunely trasformed in classCoMiRe class


a list giving the MCMC parameters


parameter controlling the number of elements of the I-spline basis


total number of components in the mixture at x0x_0


threshold of clinical interest to compute the F(a|x,z)


maximum value allowed for x


numeric vectors of length 2, giving the x coordinates ranges for the plot


the kernel bandwidth smoothing parameter


integer number representing how many MCMC draws to plot in the posterior predictive check. It draws one sample every oneevery.


Antonio Canale, Arianna Falcioni



n <- NROW(CPP)
J <- H <- 10

premature <- as.numeric(gestage<=37)

mcmc <- list(nrep=5000, nb=2000, thin=5, ndisplay=4)

## too few iterations to be meaningful. see below for safer and more comprehensive results

mcmc <- list(nrep=10, nb=2, thin=1, ndisplay=4) 

prior <- list(mu.theta=mean(gestage), k.theta=10, eta=rep(1, J)/J, 
              alpha=rep(1,H)/H, a=2, b=2, J=J, H=H)
fit.dummy <- comire.gibbs(gestage, dde, family="continuous", 
                     mcmc=mcmc, prior=prior, seed=1, max.x=180)
post.pred.check(y = gestage, x = dde, fit = fit.dummy, mcmc = mcmc, J = 10, H = 10, a = 37, 
                max.x = max(dde), xlim = c(0,150), oneevery = 4)

## safer procedure with more iterations (it may take some time)

mcmc <- list(nrep=5000, nb=2000, thin=5, ndisplay=4)

## Fit the model for continuous y 

prior <- list(mu.theta=mean(gestage), k.theta=10, eta=rep(1, J)/J, 
              alpha=rep(1,H)/H, a=2, b=2, J=J, H=H)
fit1 <- comire.gibbs(gestage, dde, family="continuous", 
                     mcmc=mcmc, prior=prior, seed=5, max.x=180)

post.pred.check(y = gestage, x = dde, fit = fit1, mcmc = mcmc, J = 10, H = 10, a = 37, 
                max.x = max(dde), xlim = c(0,150))


[Package CoMiRe version 0.8 Index]