comire.gibbs {CoMiRe}R Documentation

Gibbs sampler for CoMiRe model


Posterior inference via Gibbs sampler for CoMiRe model


comire.gibbs(y, x, z = NULL, family = 'continuous', 
       grid = NULL, mcmc, prior, 
       state = NULL, seed, max.x = max(x), z.val = NULL, verbose = TRUE)



numeric vector for the response: when family="continuous" y must be a numeric vector; if family="binary" y must assume values 0 or 1.


numeric vector for the covariate relative to the dose of exposure.


numeric vector for the confunders; a vector if there is only one confounder or a matrix for two or more confunders


type of y. This can be "continuous" or "binary". Default "continuous".


a list giving the parameters for plotting the posterior mean density and the posterior mean β(x)\beta(x) over finite grids if family="continuous" and z=NULL. It must include the following values:

  • grids, logical value (if TRUE the provided grids are used, otherwise standard grids are automatically used);

  • xgrid and ygrid, numerical vectors with the actual values of the grid for y and x.


a list giving the MCMC parameters. It must include the following integers: nb giving the number of burn-in iterations, nrep giving the total number of iterations, thin giving the thinning interval, ndisplay giving the multiple of iterations to be displayed on screen while the algorithm is running (a message will be printed every ndisplay iterations).


a list containing the values of the hyperparameters.

If family = "continuous", it must include the following values:

  • mu.theta, the prior mean μθ\mu_\theta for each location parameter θ0h\theta_{0h} and θ1\theta_1,

  • k.theta, the prior variance kθk_\theta for each location paramter θ0h\theta_{0h} and θ1\theta_1,

  • mu.gamma (if p confounding covariates are included in the model) a p-dimentional vector of prior means μγ\mu_\gamma of the parameters γ\gamma corresponding to the confounders,

  • k.gamma, the prior variance kγk_\gamma for parameter corresponding to the confounding covariate (if p=1) or sigma.gamma (if p>1), that is the covariance matrix Σγ\Sigma_\gamma for the parameters corresponding to the p confounding covariates; this must be a symmetric positive definite matrix.

  • eta, numeric vector of size J for the Dirichlet prior on the beta basis weights,

  • alpha, prior for the mixture weights,

  • a and b, prior scale and shape parameter for the gamma distribution of each precision parameter,

  • J, parameter controlling the number of elements of the I-spline basis,

  • H, total number of components in the mixture at x0x_0.

If family="binary" it must include the following values:

  • eta, numeric vector of size J for the Dirichlet prior on the beta basis weights,

  • a.pi0 and b.pi0, the prior parameters of the prior beta distribution for π0\pi_0,

  • J, parameter controlling the number of elements of the Ispline basis.


if family="continuous", a list giving the current value of the parameters. This list is used if the current analysis is the continuation of a previous analysis or if we want to start the MCMC algorithm from some particular value of the parameters.


seed for random initialization.


maximum value allowed for x.


optional numeric vector containing a fixed value of interest for each of the confounding covariates to be used for the plots. Default value is mean(z) for numeric covariates or the mode for factorial covariates.


logical, if TRUE a message on the status of the MCMC algorithm is printed to the console. Default is TRUE.


The function fit a convex mixture regression (CoMiRe) model (Canale, Durante, Dunson, 2018) via Gibbs sampler. For continuous outcome yYy \in \mathcal{Y}, adverse esposure level xXx \in \mathcal{X} and no confunding variables, one can set family = 'continuous' and z = NULL and fit model
fx(y)={1β(x)}h=1Hν0hϕ(y;θ0h,τ0h1)+β(x)ϕ(y;θ,τ1) f_x(y) = \{1-\beta(x)\} \sum_{h=1}^{H}\nu_{0h} \phi(y; \theta_{0h}, \tau_{0h}^{-1}) + \beta(x) \phi(y; \theta_{\infty}, \tau_{\infty}^{-1}) ;

where β(x)=j=1Jωjψj(x),x0,\beta(x) = \sum_{j=1}^{J} \omega_j \psi_j(x), x\ge0, is a a monotone nondecreasing interpolation function, constrained between 0 and 1 and ψ1,...,ψJ\psi_1,...,\psi_J are monotone nondecreasing I-splines basis.
If p1p \ge 1 confounding covariates zZz \in \mathcal{Z} are available, passing the argument z the function fits model

f(y;x,z)={1β(x)}f0(y;z)+β(x)f(y;z)f(y; x,z) = \{1-\beta(x)\} f_0(y;z) + \beta(x) f_\infty(y;z) ;

f0(y;z)=h=1Hν0hϕ(y;θ0h+zTγ,τ0h1)f_0(y;z)= \sum_{h=1}^{H} \nu_{0h} \phi(y;\theta_{0h}+z^\mathsf{T}\gamma,\tau_{0h}^{-1}), and f(y;z)=ϕ(y;θ+zTγ,τ1)f_\infty(y;z)= \phi(y;\theta_\infty+ z^\mathsf{T}\gamma,\tau_{\infty}^{-1}).

Finally, if yy is a binary response, one can set family = 'binary' and fit model

px(y)=(πx)y(1πx)1yp_x(y) = (\pi_x)^y (1 - \pi_x)^{1-y} ;

where πx=P(Y=1x)\pi_x = P(Y=1 | x) is πx={1β(x)}π0+β(x)π\pi_x = \{1-\beta(x)\} \pi_0 + \beta(x) \pi_\infty.


An object of the class classCoMiRe, i.e. a list of arguments for generating posterior output. It contains:


Antonio Canale [aut, cre], Daniele Durante [ctb], Arianna Falcioni [aut], Luisa Galtarossa [aut], Tommaso Rigon [ctb]


Canale, A., Durante, D., and Dunson, D. (2018), Convex Mixture Regression for Quantitative Risk Assessment, Biometrics, 74, 1331-1340

Galtarossa, L., Canale, A., (2019), A Convex Mixture Model for Binomial Regression, Book of Short Papers SIS 2019




n <- NROW(CPP)
J <- H <- 10

premature <- as.numeric(gestage<=37)

mcmc <- list(nrep=5000, nb=2000, thin=5, ndisplay=4)

## too few iterations to be meaningful. see below for safer and more comprehensive results

mcmc <- list(nrep=10, nb=2, thin=1, ndisplay=4) 

prior <- list(mu.theta=mean(gestage), k.theta=10, eta=rep(1, J)/J, 
              alpha=rep(1,H)/H, a=2, b=2, J=J, H=H)
fit.dummy <- comire.gibbs(gestage, dde, family="continuous", 
                     mcmc=mcmc, prior=prior, seed=1, max.x=180)

## safer procedure with more iterations (it may take some time)

mcmc <- list(nrep=5000, nb=2000, thin=5, ndisplay=4) 

## 1. binary case ##

prior <- list(pi0=mean(gestage), eta=rep(1, J)/J, 
             a.pi0=27, b.pi0=360, J=J)
fit_binary<- comire.gibbs(premature, dde, family="binary", 
                          mcmc=mcmc, prior=prior, seed=5, max.x=180)
## 2. continuous case ##

prior <- list(mu.theta=mean(gestage), k.theta=10, eta=rep(1, J)/J, 
              alpha=rep(1,H)/H, a=2, b=2, J=J, H=H)
fit1 <- comire.gibbs(gestage, dde, family="continuous", 
                     mcmc=mcmc, prior=prior, seed=5, max.x=180)

## 2.2 One confunder ##

mage_std <- scale(mage, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE) 

prior <- list(mu.theta=mean(gestage), k.theta=10, mu.gamma=0, k.gamma=10, 
              eta=rep(1, J)/J, alpha=1/H, a=2, b=2, H=H, J=J)
fit2 <- comire.gibbs(gestage, dde, mage_std, family="continuous", 
              mcmc=mcmc, prior=prior, seed=5, max.x=180)

## 2.3 More confunders ##

Z <- cbind(mage, mbmi, sei)
Z <- scale(Z, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
Z <- as.matrix(cbind(Z, CPP$smoke))
colnames(Z) <- c("age", "BMI", "sei", "smoke")

mod <- lm(gestage ~ dde + Z)
prior <- list(mu.theta = mod$coefficients[1], k.theta = 10,
              mu.gamma = mod$coefficients[-c(1, 2)], sigma.gamma = diag(rep(10, 4)),
              eta = rep(1, J)/J, alpha = 1/H, a = 2, b = 2, H = H, J = J)
fit3 <- comire.gibbs(y = gestage, x = dde, z = Z, family = "continuous", mcmc = mcmc, 
                     prior = prior, seed = 5)


[Package CoMiRe version 0.8 Index]