Interpreting CoDa Regression Models

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Documentation for package ‘CoDaImpact’ version 0.1.0

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car_market French car market data
CoDa_path Create a linear path in the simplex by defining a direction and a step size
CoDa_seq A sequence connecting two points in a simplex
coef.lmCoDa Predictions, fitted values, residuals, and coefficients in CoDa models
confint.lmCoDa Confidence Intervals for CoDa Models
election Results of french departmental elections in 2015
fitted.lmCoDa Predictions, fitted values, residuals, and coefficients in CoDa models
Impacts Computation of elasticities in CoDa regression models
lmCoDa Estimating CoDa regression models
predict.lmCoDa Predictions, fitted values, residuals, and coefficients in CoDa models
residuals.lmCoDa Predictions, fitted values, residuals, and coefficients in CoDa models
rice_yields Data on the rice yields in the Vietnamese provinces
ShareRatioElasticities Compute share ratio elasticities for CoDa models
ToSimplex Converting Linear Models to CoDa models
toulouse_retail Simulated retail data for nine shopping malls in the city of Toulouse
VariationScenario Scenarios for variation in CoDa regressions models
VariationTable Effects of infinitesimal changes in CoDa models