thornthwaite {ClimClass} | R Documentation |
Thornthwaite and Mather's water balance
Calculates Thornthwaite and Mather's water balance from monthly series of precipitation and temperature. Aimed at a classification of a site's climate according to its water balance features.
thornthwaite(series, latitude, clim_norm = NULL, first.yr = NULL,
last.yr = NULL, quant = c(0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 1),
snow.init = 20, Tsnow = -1, TAW = 100, = 0.95,
snow_melt_coeff = 1)
series |
the monthly series of temperature and precipitation. |
latitude |
latitude of the station in degrees. |
clim_norm |
climatic normals. |
first.yr |
first year of the period over which water balance is calculated. Default is |
last.yr |
last year of the period over which water balance is calculated. Default is |
quant |
vector of quantiles for which water balance has to be assessed. Default is: min, 10th, 25th 50th, 75th, 90th, max. |
snow.init |
initial water equivalent for snowpack (mm). Default is 20. |
Tsnow |
maximum temperature (monthly mean) for precipitation to be treated as snowfall. Default is -1 degree C. |
maximum (field capacity) for soil water retention, and initial soil water content (mm). Default is 100. | |
fraction of snow that contributes to snowpack (0-1). 1 - is treated as liquid monthly precipitation Default is 0.95. |
snow_melt_coeff |
monthly coefficient(s) for snowmelt. Default is 1. |
The algorithm for the calculation of water balance is adapted from Thornthwaite, 1948; Thornthwaite and Mather, 1955; Thornthwaite and Mather, 1957.
is a data frame with years, months, temperature and precipitation values. Names in series columns must include: year, month, Tn and Tx (minimum and maximum temperatures, respectively) or, as an alternative, Tm (mean temperatures), and P (mandatory).
is a monthly data frame of climate normals, with column names: "P", "Tn", "Tx", "Tm" (precipitation, minimum, maximum and mean temperature, respectively). It can be the output of function climate
. If clim_norm
is not NULL, any missing value in the monthly series is substituted by the corresponding climatic value in clim_norm
At any winter season, the maximum monthly snowpack height is attained in the last month before "spring" conditions (Tm
>= Tsnow
), even if a month with Tm < Tsnow may occur later.
is (are) the coefficient(s) for snow melt fraction(s) at any month where the condition for melting exists. If snow_melt_coeff
= 1 (default), all the melting occurs in the first month when Tm >= Tsnow
; if it is a vector, melting is spread over more than one month. If the sum of coefficients is less than 1, the residual melting occurs in one further month.
The output function is a list of two lists of data frames (balance and quantile). In both lists, data frame (and names) are the following (all variables in mm):
(repeats input values);
(potential evapotranspiration);
(water stored in soil);
Prec. - Evap.
(difference between precipitation and potential evapotranspiration);
(difference between potential and real evapotranspiration, due to water unavailability in soil);
(water surplus in soil, routed to runoff).
Please, refer to the quoted references for details.
This function requires the function daylength
(libr. geosphere
A thornthwaite
S3 object, consisting on a list of two lists. The first (name: W_balance) is a list of data frames containing the monthly series of all indices, the second (name: quantiles) the relevant quantiles. See details for meanings of single variables.
Giambattista Toller and Emanuele Eccel
Thornthwaite, C. W., 1948: An Approach toward a Rational Classification of Climate. Geographical Review, Vol. 38, No. 1(Jan.):55-94.
Thornthwaite, C. W., and Mather, J.R., 1955: The water balance. Publications in Climatology, Volume 8(1), Laboratory of Climatology
Thornthwaite, C. W., and Mather, J.R., 1957: Instructions and tables for computing potential evapotranspiration and the water balance. Publications in climatology, Volume 10(3), Laboratory of Climatology
See Also
, ExAtRa
, plot.thornthwaite
# lista_cli is a list of data frames of the type "series",
# each one referring to one station - see function "climate".
# clima_81_10 is a list of data frames having climatic means
# of temperature and precipitation, each one referring to one station.
# It can be the output of function "climate".
library(geosphere) # required for function daylength
lista_cli <- lista_cli[1:3] ## lista_cli is reduced to diminish elapsed time of execution!
for(k in 1 : length(lista_cli[1:3])) {
latitude = 46, first.yr=1981,
last.yr=2010, snow_melt_coeff=c(0.5,0.5 ) )
# splits list into two lists
W_balance<-NULL; quantiles<-NULL
for(k in 1 : length(lista_cli))
names(W_balance)<-names(thornt_lst); names(quantiles)<-names(thornt_lst)