april {CircSpaceTime}R Documentation

April waves.


Four days of waves data on the Adriatic sea in the month of April 2010.





Date, format: yyyy-mm-dd


Factor w/ 24 levels corresponding to the 24h, format: 00:00

Lon, Lat

decimal longitude and latitude


Significant wave heights in meters


Direction of waves in degrees (North=0)


Factor w/ 3 levels "calm","transition", "storm"


Wave directions and heights are obtained as outputs from a deterministic computer model implemented by Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale (ISPRA). The computer model starts from a wind forecast model predicting the surface wind over the entire Mediterranean. The hourly evolution of sea wave spectra is obtained by solving energy transport equations using the wind forecast as input. Wave spectra are locally modified using a source function describing the wind energy, the energy redistribution due to nonlinear wave interactions, and energy dissipation due to wave fracture. The model produces estimates every hour on a grid with 10 x 10 km cells (Inghilesi et al. 2016). The ISPRA dataset has forecasts for a total of 4941 grid points over the Italian Mediterranean. Over the Adriatic Sea area, there are 1494 points.

A list containing 4 data frames each of 35856 rows and 7 columns.


R. Inghilesi, A. Orasi & F. Catini (2016) The ISPRA Mediterranean Coastal Wave Forecasting system: evaluation and perspectives Journal of Operational Oceanography Vol. 9 , Iss. sup1 http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1755876X.2015.1115635

[Package CircSpaceTime version 0.9.0 Index]