WrapKrigSpTi {CircSpaceTime}R Documentation

Prediction using wrapped normal spatio-temporal model.


WrapKrigSpTi function computes the spatio-temporal prediction for circular space-time data using samples from the posterior distribution of the space-time wrapped normal model


WrapKrigSpTi(WrapSpTi_out, coords_obs, coords_nobs, times_obs, times_nobs,



the functions takes the output of WrapSpTi function


coordinates of observed locations (in UTM)


coordinates of unobserved locations (in UTM)


numeric vector of observed time coordinates


numeric vector of unobserved time coordinates


observed values


a list of 3 elements


the mean of the associated linear process on the prediction locations coords_nobs (rows) over all the posterior samples (columns) returned by WrapSpTi


the variance of the associated linear process on the prediction locations coords_nobs (rows) over all the posterior samples (columns) returned by WrapSpTi


the posterior predicted values at the unobserved locations

Implementation Tips

To facilitate the estimations, the observations x are centered around π\pi. Posterior samples of x at the predictive locations and posterior mean are changed back to the original scale


G. Mastrantonio, G. Jona Lasinio, A. E. Gelfand, "Spatio-temporal circular models with non-separable covariance structure", TEST 25 (2016), 331–350

T. Gneiting, "Nonseparable, Stationary Covariance Functions for Space-Time Data", JASA 97 (2002), 590-600

See Also

WrapSpTi spatio-temporal sampling from Wrapped Normal, ProjSpTi for spatio-temporal sampling from Projected Normal and ProjKrigSpTi for Kriging estimation


## functions
rmnorm <- function(n = 1, mean = rep(0, d), varcov){
  d <- if (is.matrix(varcov))
  else 1
  z <- matrix(rnorm(n * d), n, d) %*% chol(varcov)
  y <- t(mean + t(z))

## Simulation                       ##
n <- 20
### simulate coordinates from a unifrom distribution
coords  <- cbind(runif(n,0,100), runif(n,0,100)) #spatial coordinates
coordsT <- sort(runif(n,0,100)) #time coordinates (ordered)
Dist <- as.matrix(dist(coords))
DistT <- as.matrix(dist(coordsT))

rho     <- 0.05 #spatial decay
rhoT    <- 0.01 #temporal decay
sep_par <- 0.5 #separability parameter
sigma2  <- 0.3 # variance of the process
alpha   <- c(0.5)
#Gneiting covariance
SIGMA <- sigma2 * (rhoT * DistT^2 + 1)^(-1) * exp(-rho * Dist/(rhoT * DistT^2 + 1)^(sep_par/2))

Y <- rmnorm(1,rep(alpha, times = n), SIGMA) #generate the linear variable
theta <- c()
## wrapping step
for(i in 1:n) {
  theta[i] <- Y[i] %% (2*pi)
### Add plots of the simulated data

## use this values as references for the definition of initial values and priors
rho_sp.min <- 3/max(Dist)
rho_sp.max <- rho_sp.min+0.5
rho_t.min  <- 3/max(DistT)
rho_t.max  <- rho_t.min+0.5
val <- sample(1:n,round(n*0.2)) #validation set
mod <- WrapSpTi(
  x       = theta[-val],
  coords    = coords[-val,],
  times    = coordsT[-val],
  start   = list("alpha"      = c(.79, .74),
                 "rho_sp"     = c(.33,.52),
                 "rho_t"     = c(.19, .43),
                 "sigma2"    = c(.49, .37),
                 "sep_par"  = c(.47, .56),
                 "k"       = sample(0,length(theta[-val]), replace = TRUE)),
  priors   = list("rho_sp"      = c(0.01,3/4), ### uniform prior on this interval
                  "rho_t"      = c(0.01,3/4), ### uniform prior on this interval
                  "sep_par"  = c(1,1), ### beta prior
                  "sigma2"    = c(5,5),## inverse gamma prior with mode=5/6
                  "alpha" =  c(0,20) ## wrapped gaussian with large variance
  )  ,
  sd_prop   = list( "sigma2" = 0.1,  "rho_sp" = 0.1,  "rho_t" = 0.1,"sep_par"= 0.1),
  iter    = 7000,
  BurninThin    = c(burnin = 3000, thin = 10),
  accept_ratio = 0.234,
  adapt_param = c(start = 1, end = 1000, exp = 0.5),
  n_chains = 2 ,
  parallel = FALSE,
  n_cores = 1
check <- ConvCheck(mod,startit = 1 ,thin = 1)
check$Rhat ## convergence has been reached
## when plotting chains remember that alpha is a circular variable
par(mfrow = c(3,2))
par(mfrow = c(1,1))

############## Prediction on the validation set
Krig <- WrapKrigSpTi(
  WrapSpTi_out = mod,
  coords_obs =  coords[-val,],
  coords_nobs =  coords[val,],
  times_obs =  coordsT[-val],
  times_nobs =  coordsT[val],
  x_obs = theta[-val]
### checking the prediction
Wrap_Ape <- APEcirc(theta[val], Krig$Prev_out)
Wrap_Crps <- CRPScirc(theta[val], Krig$Prev_out)

[Package CircSpaceTime version 0.9.0 Index]