rMMSN.contour {CensMFM}R Documentation

Pairwise Scatter Plots and Histograms for Finite Mixture of Multivariate Distributions.


It plots the scatter plots with density contours for different multivariate distributions. Possible options are the Skew-normal (family == "SN"), Normal (family == "Normal") and Student-t (family == "t") distribution. Different colors are used by groups. Histograms are shown in the diagonal.


rMMSN.contour(model = NULL, y = NULL, mu = NULL, Sigma = NULL,
shape = NULL, nu = NULL, pii = NULL, Zij = NULL,
contour = FALSE, hist.Bin = 30, contour.Bin = 10,
slice = 100, col.names = NULL, length.x = c(0.5, 0.5),
length.y = c(0.5, 0.5), family = "SN")



is an object resultant from the fit.FMMSNC function.


the response matrix with dimension nnxpp.


a list with gg entries, where each entry represents location parameter per group, being a vector of dimension pp.


a list with gg entries, where each entry represents a scale parameter per group, a matrix with dimension ppxpp.


a list with gg entries, where each entry represents a skewness parameter, being a vector of dimension pp.


the degrees of freedom for the Student-t distribution case, being a vector with dimension gg.


a vector of weights for the mixture of dimension gg, the number of clusters. It must sum to one!


a matrix of dimension nnxpp indicating the group for each observation.


If contour == TRUE the density contour will be shown, if contour == FALSE the density contour must be not returned.


number of bins in the histograms. Default is 30.


creates evenly spaced contours in the range of the data. Default is 10.


desired length of the sequence for the variables grid. This grid is build for the contours.


names passed to the data matrix yy of dimension pp.


a vector of dimension 2 with the value to be subtracted and added from the minimum and maximum observation in the x-axis respectively. Default is c(0.5,0.5).


a vector of dimension 2 with the value to be subtracted and added from the minimum and maximum observation in the y-axis respectively. Default is c(0.5,0.5).


distribution family to be used. Available distributions are the Skew-normal ("SN"), normal ("Normal") or Student-t ("t") distribution.


If the model object is used, the user still has the option to choose the family. If the model object is not used, the user must input all other parameters. User may use the rMMSN function to generate data.


This functions works well for any length of gg and pp, but contour densities are only shown for p=2p = 2.


Francisco H. C. de Alencar hildemardealencar@gmail.com, Christian E. Galarza cgalarza88@gmail.com, Victor Hugo Lachos hlachos@uconn.edu and Larissa A. Matos larissam@ime.unicamp.br

Maintainer: Francisco H. C. de Alencar hildemardealencar@gmail.com


Cabral, C. R. B., Lachos, V. H., & Prates, M. O. (2012). Multivariate mixture modeling using skew-normal independent distributions. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 56(1), 126-142.

Prates, M. O., Lachos, V. H., & Cabral, C. (2013). mixsmsn: Fitting finite mixture of scale mixture of skew-normal distributions. Journal of Statistical Software, 54(12), 1-20.

C.E. Galarza, L.A. Matos, D.K. Dey & V.H. Lachos. (2019) On Moments of Folded and Truncated Multivariate Extended Skew-Normal Distributions. Technical report. ID 19-14. University of Connecticut.

F.H.C. de Alencar, C.E. Galarza, L.A. Matos & V.H. Lachos. (2019) Finite Mixture Modeling of Censored and Missing Data Using the Multivariate Skew-Normal Distribution. echnical report. ID 19-31. University of Connecticut.

See Also

fit.FMMSNC, rMMSN and fit.FMMSNC


mu          <- Sigma <- shape <- list()
mu[[1]]     <- c(-3,-4)
mu[[2]]     <- c(2,2)
Sigma[[1]]  <- matrix(c(3,1,1,4.5), 2,2)
Sigma[[2]]  <- matrix(c(2,1,1,3.5), 2,2)
shape[[1]]  <- c(-2,2)
shape[[2]]  <- c(-3,4)
nu          <- 0
pii         <- c(0.6,0.4)
percent     <- c(0.1,0.2)
n <- 100
seed <- 654678

test = rMMSN(n = n, pii = pii,mu = mu,Sigma = Sigma,shape = shape,
percent = percent, each = TRUE, family = "SN")

## SN ##
SN.contour = rMMSN.contour(model = NULL, y = test$y, Zij = test$G
,mu = mu, Sigma = Sigma, shape = shape, pii = pii, family = "SN")

#Plotting contours may take some time...

## SN ##
SN.contour = rMMSN.contour(model = NULL, y = test$y, Zij = test$G
,mu = mu, Sigma = Sigma, shape = shape, pii = pii, contour = TRUE,
family = "SN")

## Normal ##
N.contour = rMMSN.contour(model = NULL,y = test$y, Zij = test$G
,mu = mu, Sigma = Sigma, shape = shape, pii = pii, contour = TRUE,
family = "Normal")

## t ##
t.contour = rMMSN.contour(model = NULL,y = test$y, Zij = test$G
,mu = mu, Sigma = Sigma, shape = shape, pii = pii, nu = c(4,3),
contour = TRUE, family = "t")

[Package CensMFM version 3.1 Index]