variance.missingdata {CaseCohortCoxSurvival}R Documentation



Computes the variance estimate that follows the complete variance decomposition, for a parameter such as log-relative hazard, cumulative baseline hazard or covariate specific pure-risk, when covariate information is missing for individuals in the phase-two sample.


variance.missingdata(n, casecohort, casecohort.phase2, weights, 
weights.phase2, weights.p2.phase2, infl2, infl3, stratified.p2 = NULL, 
estimated.weights = NULL)



number of individuals in the whole cohort.


If stratified = TRUE, data frame with W (the JJ phase-two strata), strata.m (vector of length JJ with the numbers of sampled individuals in the strata in the second phase of sampling) and strata.n (vector of length JJ with the strata sizes in the cohort), for each individual in the stratified case cohort data. If stratified = FALSE, data frame with m (number of sampled individuals in the second phase of sampling) and n (cohort size), for each individual in the unstratified case cohort data.


If stratified = TRUE, data frame with W (the JJ phase-two strata), strata.m (vector of length JJ with the numbers of sampled individuals in the strata in the second phase of sampling), strata.n (vector of length JJ with the strata sizes in the cohort) and phase3 (phase-three sampling indicator), for each individual in the phase-two sample. If stratified = FALSE, data frame with m (number of sampled individuals in the second phase of sampling), n (cohort size) and unstrat.phase3 (phase-three sampling indicator), for each individual in the phase-two sample.


vector with design weights for the individuals in the case cohort data.


vector with design weights for the individuals in the phase-two sample.


vector with phase-two design weights for the individuals in the phase-two sample.


matrix with the phase-two influences on the parameter.


matrix with the phase-three influences on the parameter.


was the second phase of sampling stratified on W? Default is FALSE.


were the phase-three weights estimated? Default is FALSE.


variance.missingdata works for estimation from a case cohort with design weights and when covariate information was missing for certain individuals in the phase-two data (i.e., case cohort obtained from three phases of sampling and consisting of individuals in the phase-two data without missing covariate information).

If there are no missing covariates in the phase- two sample, use variance with either design weights or calibrated weights.

variance.missingdata uses the variance formulas provided in Etievant and Gail (2023). More precisely, as in Section 5.4 if estimated.weights = TRUE, and as in Web Appendix H.2 if estimated.weights = FALSE.


variance: variance estimate.


Etievant, L., Gail, M.H. (2023). Cox model inference for relative hazard and pure risk from stratified weight-calibrated case-cohort data. Submitted.

See Also

influences.missingdata, influences.RH.missingdata, influences.CumBH.missingdata,

influences.PR.missingdata, robustvariance and variance.


data(dataexample.missingdata, package="CaseCohortCoxSurvival")

cohort            <- dataexample.missingdata$cohort # a simulated cohort
n                 <- nrow(cohort)
casecohort        <- dataexample.missingdata$casecohort # a simulated stratified case cohort
casecohort.phase2 <- dataexample.missingdata$casecohort.phase2 
riskmat.phase2    <- dataexample.missingdata$riskmat.phase2
dNt.phase2        <- dataexample.missingdata$dNt.phase2
B.phase2          <- dataexample.missingdata$B.phase2

Tau1    <- 0 # given time interval for the pure risk
Tau2    <- 8
x       <- c(-1, 1, -0.6) # given covariate profile for the pure risk

# Estimation using the stratified case cohort with true known design weights

mod <- coxph(Surv(times, status) ~ X1 + X2 + X3, data = casecohort, 
             weight = weights.true, id = id, robust = TRUE)

estimation <- influences.missingdata(mod = mod, riskmat.phase2 = riskmat.phase2, 
                                     dNt.phase2 = dNt.phase2, Tau1 = Tau1, 
                                     Tau2 = Tau2, x = x)
infl.beta     <- estimation$infl.beta
infl.Lambda0  <- estimation$infl.Lambda0.Tau1Tau2
infl.Pi.x    <- estimation$infl.Pi.x.Tau1Tau2
infl2.beta    <- estimation$infl2.beta
infl2.Lambda0 <- estimation$infl2.Lambda0.Tau1Tau2
infl2.Pi.x   <- estimation$infl2.Pi.x.Tau1Tau2
infl3.beta    <- estimation$infl3.beta
infl3.Lambda0 <- estimation$infl3.Lambda0.Tau1Tau2
infl3.Pi.x   <- estimation$infl3.Pi.x.Tau1Tau2

# variance estimate for the log-relative hazard
variance.missingdata(n = n, casecohort = casecohort, 
                                 casecohort.phase2 = casecohort.phase2, 
                                 weights = casecohort$weights.true, 
                                 weights.phase2 = casecohort.phase2$weights.true, 
                                 weights.p2.phase2 = casecohort.phase2$weights.p2.true,
                                 infl2 = infl2.beta, infl3 = infl3.beta, 
                                 stratified.p2 = TRUE)

# variance estimate for the cumulative baseline hazard estimate
variance.missingdata(n = n, casecohort = casecohort, 
                     casecohort.phase2 = casecohort.phase2, 
                     weights = casecohort$weights.true, 
                     weights.phase2 = casecohort.phase2$weights.true,
                     weights.p2.phase2 = casecohort.phase2$weights.p2.true,
                     infl2 = infl2.Lambda0, infl3 = infl3.Lambda0, 
                     stratified.p2 = TRUE)

# variance estimate for the pure risk estimate
variance.missingdata(n = n, casecohort = casecohort, 
                     casecohort.phase2 = casecohort.phase2, 
                     weights = casecohort$weights.true, 
                     weights.phase2 = casecohort.phase2$weights.true, 
                     weights.p2.phase2 = casecohort.phase2$weights.p2.true,
                     infl2 = infl2.Pi.x, infl3 = infl3.Pi.x, 
                     stratified.p2 = TRUE)

# Estimation using the stratified case cohort with estimated weights, and
# accounting for the estimation through the influences 

mod.est <- coxph(Surv(times, status) ~ X1 + X2 + X3, data = casecohort, 
                 weight = weights.est, id = id, robust = TRUE)

estimation.est  <- influences.missingdata(mod.est, 
                                          riskmat.phase2 = riskmat.phase2, 
                                          dNt.phase2 = dNt.phase2, 
                                          estimated.weights = TRUE,
                                          B.phase2 = B.phase2, Tau1 = Tau1, 
                                          Tau2 = Tau2, x = x)
infl.beta.est     <- estimation.est$infl.beta
infl.Lambda0.est  <- estimation.est$infl.Lambda0.Tau1Tau2
infl.Pi.x.est     <- estimation.est$infl.Pi.x.Tau1Tau2
infl2.beta.est    <- estimation.est$infl2.beta
infl2.Lambda0.est <- estimation.est$infl2.Lambda0.Tau1Tau2
infl2.Pi.x.est    <- estimation.est$infl2.Pi.x.Tau1Tau2
infl3.beta.est    <- estimation.est$infl3.beta
infl3.Lambda0.est <- estimation.est$infl3.Lambda0.Tau1Tau2
infl3.Pi.x.est    <- estimation.est$infl3.Pi.x.Tau1Tau2

# variance estimate for the log-relative hazard
variance.missingdata(n = n, casecohort = casecohort, 
                     casecohort.phase2 = casecohort.phase2, 
                     weights = casecohort$weights.est, 
                     weights.phase2 = casecohort.phase2$weights.est, 
                     weights.p2.phase2 = casecohort.phase2$weights.p2.true,
                     infl2 = infl2.beta.est, infl3 = infl3.beta.est, 
                     stratified.p2 = TRUE, estimated.weights = TRUE)

# variance estimate for the cumulative baseline hazard estimate
variance.missingdata(n = n, casecohort = casecohort,
                     casecohort.phase2 = casecohort.phase2, 
                     weights = casecohort$weights.est, 
                     weights.phase2 = casecohort.phase2$weights.est, 
                     weights.p2.phase2 = casecohort.phase2$weights.p2.true,
                     infl2 = infl2.Lambda0.est, infl3 = infl3.Lambda0.est, 
                     stratified.p2 = TRUE, estimated.weights = TRUE)

# variance estimate for the pure risk estimate
variance.missingdata(n = n, casecohort = casecohort, 
                     casecohort.phase2 = casecohort.phase2, 
                     weights = casecohort$weights.est, 
                     weights.phase2 = casecohort.phase2$weights.est, 
                     weights.p2.phase2 = casecohort.phase2$weights.p2.true,
                     infl2 = infl2.Pi.x.est, infl3 = infl3.Pi.x.est, 
                     stratified.p2 = TRUE, estimated.weights = TRUE)

[Package CaseCohortCoxSurvival version 0.0.34 Index]