states03 {CarletonStats} | R Documentation |
US government data, 2003
Census data on the 50 states from 2003.
A data frame with 50 observations on the following 24 variables.
- State
the 50 states
- Region
a factor with levels
- Pop
Population in 1000
- Births
Number of births
- Deaths
Number of deaths
- Pop18
Percent of population 18 years of age or younger
- Pop65
Percent of population 65 years of age or older
- HSGrad
Percent of population 25 years of age or older with a high school degree
- ColGrad
Percent of population 25 years of age or older with a college degree
- TeacherPay
Average teachers salary in dollars
- InfMortality
Infant mortality per 1000 live births
- TeenBirths
Live births per 1000 15-19 year old females
- ViolentCrime
Violent crime per 100000 population
- PropertyCrime
Property crime per 100000 population
- DeathPenalty
State has death penalty?
- Executions
Number of executions 1977-2003
- Poverty
Percent of populaton below the poverty level
- Unemp
Percent unemployed (of population 16 years or older)
- Uninsured
Percent uninsured (3 year aveage)
- Income
Median household income in 1998 dollars
- Earnings
Average hourly earnings of production workers in manufacturing
- Heart
Deaths by heart disease per 100000 population
- Vehicles
Deaths by motor vehicle accidents per 100000 population
- Homeowners
Home ownership rate
United States Census Bureau