CalibrationCurves-package |
General information on the package and its functions |
%<=% |
Infix operator to run background jobs |
%{}% |
Infix operator to run background jobs |
.rcspline.plot |
Internal function | |
AUC Based on the Mann-Whitney Statistic |
genCalCurve |
Calibration performance using the generalized calibration framework |
LibraryM |
Function to load multiple packages at once |
poissontestdata |
Simulated data sets to illustrate the package functionality |
poissontraindata |
Simulated data sets to illustrate the package functionality |
print.CalibrationCurve |
Print function for a CalibrationCurve object |
print.GeneralizedCalibrationCurve |
Print function for a GeneralizedCalibrationCurve object |
print.ggplotCalibrationCurve |
Print function for a ggplotCalibrationCurve object |
testdata |
Simulated data sets to illustrate the package functionality |
traindata |
Simulated data sets to illustrate the package functionality | |
Calibration performance |
valProbggplot |
Calibration performance: ggplot version |