{CaDENCE}R Documentation

Fit a CDEN model


Fit a CDEN model via nonlinear optimization of the maximum likelihood cost function.

Usage, y, iter.max = 500, n.hidden = 2, hidden.fcn = tanh,
            distribution = NULL, sd.norm = Inf, init.range = c(-0.5, 0.5),
            method = c("optim", "psoptim", "Rprop"), n.trials = 1,
            trace = 0, maxit.Nelder = 2000, trace.Nelder = 0,
            swarm.size = NULL, vectorize = TRUE,
            delta.0 = 0.1, delta.min = 1e-06, delta.max = 50, epsilon = 1e-08,
            range.mult = 2, step.tol = 1e-08, = -Inf,
            f.cost = cadence.cost, max.exceptions = 500)



matrix with number of rows equal to the number of samples and number of columns equal to the number of predictor variables.


column matrix of predictand values with number of rows equal to the number of samples.


maximum number of iterations of the optimization function.


number of hidden nodes in the CDEN model; can be a vector indicating a range of values to fit.


hidden layer transfer function.


a list that describes the probability density function associated with the predictand.


sd parameter for normal distribution prior for the magnitude of input-hidden layer weights; equivalent to weight penalty regularization.


range for random weights on [min(init.range), max(init.range)]


specifies the optimization method used to minimize cadence.cost; must be chosen from c("optim", "psoptim", "Rprop").


number of repeated trials used to avoid shallow local minima during optimization.


the level of printing which is done during optimization. A value of 0 suppresses any progress reporting.


maximum number of iterations of the Nelder-Mead optimization function prior to main calling method.


the level of printing which is done during Nelder-Mead optimization. A value of 0 suppresses any progress reporting.


swarm.size if psoptim is used for optimization.


vectorize if psoptim is used for optimization.


size of the initial update-value if rprop is used for optimization.


minimum value for the adaptive update-value if rprop is used for optimization.


maximum value for the adaptive update-value if rprop is used for optimization.


step-size used in the finite difference calculation of the gradient if rprop is used for optimization.


if psoptim is used for optimization, sets the search space boundaries to range.mult times the range of weights found by the Nelder-Mead algorithm.


convergence criterion if rprop is used for optimization. Optimization will stop if the change in f over the previous three iterations falls below this value.

target value of f if rprop is used for optimization. Optimization will stop if f falls below this value.


cost function to be optimized.


maximum number of repeated exceptions allowed during optimization.


Fit a CDEN model by optimizing the maximum likelihood cost function f.cost, which is set by default to cadence.cost. Optimization relies on the standard optim function, the built-in rprop function, or, optionally, the psoptim function from the pso package.

The hidden layer transfer function hidden.fcn should be set to tanh for a nonlinear model and to identity for a linear model. In the nonlinear case, the number of hidden nodes n.hidden controls the overall complexity of the model. The predictand distribution is set by the distribution argument. Parameters of the specified distribution can be held constant via the parameters.fixed element distribution. Weight penalty regularization for the magnitude of the input-hidden layer weights can be applied by setting sd.norm to a value less than Inf.

The distribution argument in is the most important part of the CaDENCE modelling framework and has been designed to be as flexible as possible. To this end, distribution is a list with three mandatory elements: density.fcn, which specifies the R density function for the predictand distribution; parameters, which specifies the names of the parameters used as arguments in density.fcn; and output.fcns, which specifies the functions used to constrain the density function parameters to their allowable ranges (i.e., inverse link functions). If not specified, distribution defaults to a normal distribution. Note: the order of parameters and output.fcns must match the order of arguments in the specified density.fcn.

A fourth element of distribution, parameters.fixed, is optional. Setting parameters.fixed="sd" for the normal distribution would, for example, force the sd parameter to take a constant value.

Samples of distribution lists for a variety of probability distributions are given below for reference:

# normal distribution
norm.distribution <- list(density.fcn = dnorm,
                          parameters = c("mean", "sd"),
                          parameters.fixed = NULL,
                          output.fcns = c(identity, exp))

# lognormal distribution
lnorm.distribution <- list(density.fcn = dlnorm,
                           parameters = c("meanlog", "sdlog"),
                           parameters.fixed = NULL,
                           output.fcns = c(identity, exp))

# exponential distribution
exp.distribution <- list(density.fcn = dexp,
                         parameters = c("rate"),
                         parameters.fixed = NULL,
                         output.fcns = c(exp))

# Poisson distribution
poisson.distribution <- list(density.fcn = dpois,
                             parameters = c("lambda"),
                             parameters.fixed = NULL,
                             output.fcns = c(exp))

# Bernoulli-gamma distribution
bgamma.distribution <- list(density.fcn = dbgamma,
                            parameters = c("prob", "scale", "shape"),
                            parameters.fixed = NULL,
                            output.fcns = c(logistic, exp, exp))

# Bernoulli-Weibull distribution
bweibull.distribution <- list(density.fcn = dbweibull,
                              parameters = c("prob", "scale", "shape"),
                              parameters.fixed = NULL,
                              output.fcns = c(logistic, exp, exp))

# Bernoulli-lognormal distribution
blnorm.distribution <- list(density.fcn = dblnorm,
                            parameters = c("prob", "meanlog", "sdlog"),
                            parameters.fixed = NULL,
                            output.fcns = c(logistic, identity, exp))

# Bernoulli-Pareto 2 distribution
bpareto2.distribution <- list(density.fcn = dbpareto2,
                          parameters = c("prob", "scale", "shape"),
                          parameters.fixed = NULL,
                          output.fcns = c(logistic, exp, exp))

# beta distribution
beta.distribution <- list(density.fcn=dbeta,
                          parameters=c("shape1", "shape2"),
                          output.fcns=c(exp, exp))

# truncated normal distribution with lower = 0
dtnormal <- function(x, mean, sd) dtnorm(x, mean, sd, lower = 0)
dtnorm.distribution <- list(density.fcn = dtnormal,
                            parameters = c("mean", "sd"),
                            parameters.fixed = NULL,
                            output.fcns = c(identity, exp))

# mixture of two normal distributions (mixture density network)
dnormix <- function(x, mu1, mu2, sig1, sig2, w1){
    if(length(x) > 1){
        dens <- mapply(dnormix, x, mu1 = mu1, mu2 = mu2,
                       sig1 = sig1, sig2 = sig2, w1 = w1)
    } else{
        mix <- norMix(mu = c(mu1, mu2), sigma = c(sig1, sig2),
                      w = c(w1, 1-w1))
        dens <- dnorMix(x, mix)
normix.distribution <- list(density.fcn = dnormix,
                            parameters = c("mu1", "mu2", "sig1",
                                           "sig2", "w1"),
                            parameters.fixed = NULL,
                            output.fcns = c(identity, identity,
                                            exp, exp, logistic))

Values of the Akaike information criterion with small sample size correction (AICc), and Bayesian information criterion (BIC) are calculated to assist in model selection. It is possible for such criteria to fail in the face of overfitting, for example with a nonlinear model and n.hidden set too high, as the distribution may converge on one or more samples. This can usually be diagnosed by inspecting the scale parameter of the distribution for near zero values. In this case, one can apply a weight penalty (via sd.norm), although this rules out the straightforward use of AICc/BIC for model selection as the effective number of model parameters will no longer equal the number of weights in the CDEN model.

Note: values of x need not be standardized or rescaled by the user. Predictors are automatically scaled to zero mean and unit standard deviation and are rescaled by cadence.predict.


a list of with number of elements equal to the length of n.hidden; each list consists of:


input-hidden layer weights


hidden-output layer weights. Attributes indicating the mean and standard deviation of columns of x; the value of hidden.fcn; the valud of hidden.fcn; the negative log-likelihood NLL; the number of model parameters k; the value of the weight penalty penalty (if sd.norm is less than infinity); the value of the BIC, AIC, and AICc cost-complexity criteria; and the predictand distribution list are also returned.


Cannon, A.J., 2012. Neural networks for probabilistic environmental prediction: Conditional Density Estimation Network Creation & Evaluation (CaDENCE) in R. Computers & Geosciences 41: 126-135. doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2011.08.023

Neuneier, R., F. Hergert, W. Finnoff, and D. Ormoneit, 1994., Estimation of conditional densities: a comparison of neural network approaches. In: M. Marinaro and P. Morasso (eds.), Proceedings of ICANN 94, Berlin, Springer, p. 689-692.

See Also

cadence.predict, optim, rprop, xval.buffer, logistic


    lnorm.distribution <- list(density.fcn = dlnorm,
                               parameters = c("meanlog", "sdlog"),
                               parameters.fixed = NULL,
                               output.fcns = c(identity, exp))
    fit <- = FraserSediment$x.1970.1976[c(TRUE, rep(FALSE, 19)),],
                       y = FraserSediment$y.1970.1976[c(TRUE, rep(FALSE, 19)),,
                       drop=FALSE], n.hidden = 3, n.trials = 1,
                       maxit.Nelder = 100, trace.Nelder = 1, hidden.fcn = tanh,
                       distribution = lnorm.distribution, trace = 1)
    pred <- cadence.predict(x = FraserSediment$x.1977.1979, fit = fit)
    matplot(pred, type = "l")

[Package CaDENCE version 1.2.5 Index]