Charles's Utility Function using Formula

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Documentation for package ‘CUFF’ version 1.9

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%+% Utility functions to treat characters
%+%-methods Utility functions to treat characters
%n% Utility functions to treat characters
%xyb% Utility function to match 2 indices
cf Extract and format coefficients table
clip Send to clipboard
column_types Export into a csv file with a format csv companions for factors
correlation Bivariate correlations
cross Crosstabs
freq Frequencies
ftab Fonctions pour ajouter les pourcentages dans les tables
meansd function to compute mean and sd into a single string
numtostr Utility functions to treat characters
pal_CUFF Palette de couleurs
paste Utility functions to treat characters
print.corr Bivariate correlations
print.cross Crosstabs print methods
print.frequencies Frequencies
pv Format p-values
sum.n sum weighted on the number of non-missing values
Total Crosstabulations using formula
to_csv Export into a csv file with a format csv companions for factors
view view methods
xf Methods that apply a function across a levels of one or more factors
xtab Crosstabulations using formula
xyboth Utility function to match 2 indices