spearman.brown {CTT}R Documentation

Functions for Spearman-Brown "Prophecy" Formula


This function calculates either a predicted reliability for a measure given the original reliability and a new test length, or the function calculates the required test length to achieve a desired level of reliability.


spearman.brown(r.xx, input = 2, n.or.r = "n")



The original relibility


The new test length or a desired level of reliability, depending on n.or.r


If n.or.r="n", the function will return a new reliability; if n.or.r="r", the function will return the factor by which the test length must change to achieve a desired level of reliability.


If n.or.r="n", the function will return a new reliability and input should be the factor by which the test length is to be changed. If n.or.r="r", the function will return the factor by which the test length must change to achieve a desired level of reliability (provided in input).


John Willse, Zhan Shu


Spearman, C. (1910). Correlation calculated with faulty data. British Journal of Psychology, 3, 271-295.

Brown,W. (1910). Some experimental results in the correlation of mental abilities. British Journal of Psychology, 3, 296-322.


# old relibility is 0.6, if the measure is lengthened 
# by a factor of 2, the relibility of new test is:

# old relibility is 0.5, if we want a new measure to 
# be 0.8, the new test length is:
spearman.brown(0.5, 0.8, "r")

[Package CTT version 2.3.3 Index]