print.s2dv_cube {CSTools}R Documentation

Print method for s2dv_cube objects


This is an S3 method of the generic 'print' for the class 's2dv_cube'. When you will call 'print' on an 's2dv_cube' object, this method will display the content of the object in a clear and informative way.


## S3 method for class 's2dv_cube'
print(x, ...)



An 's2dv_cube' object.


Additional arguments of print function.


The object will be displayed following 's2dv_cube' class conventions. The top-level elements are: 'Data', a multidimensional array containing the object's data; 'Dimensions', the dimensions of the array; 'Coordinates', the array coordinates that match its dimensions, explicit coordinates have an asterisk (*) at the beginning while index coordinates do not; and 'Attributes', which contains all the metadata of the object. For more information about the 's2dv_cube', see s2dv_cube() and as.s2dv_cube() functions.

[Package CSTools version 5.2.0 Index]