Conditional Random Fields

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Documentation for package ‘CRF’ version 0.4-3

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CRF-package CRF - Conditional Random Fields
Chain Chain CRF example
clamp.crf Make clamped CRF
clamp.reset Reset clamped CRF
Clique Clique CRF example
CRF CRF - Conditional Random Fields
crf.nll Calculate CRF negative log likelihood
crf.update Update CRF potentials
decode.block Decoding method using block iterated conditional modes algorithm
decode.chain Decoding method for chain-structured graphs
decode.conditional Conditional decoding method
decode.cutset Decoding method for graphs with a small cutset
decode.exact Decoding method for small graphs
decode.greedy Decoding method using greedy algorithm
decode.icm Decoding method using iterated conditional modes algorithm
decode.ilp Decoding method using integer linear programming
decode.junction Decoding method for low-treewidth graphs
decode.lbp Decoding method using loopy belief propagation
decode.marginal Decoding method using inference
decode.rbp Decoding method using residual belief propagation
decode.sample Decoding method using sampling
decode.trbp Decoding method using tree-reweighted belief propagation
decode.tree Decoding method for tree- and forest-structured graphs
duplicate.crf Duplicate CRF
get.logPotential Calculate the log-potential of CRF
get.potential Calculate the potential of CRF
infer.chain Inference method for chain-structured graphs
infer.conditional Conditional inference method
infer.cutset Inference method for graphs with a small cutset
infer.exact Inference method for small graphs
infer.junction Inference method for low-treewidth graphs
infer.lbp Inference method using loopy belief propagation
infer.rbp Inference method using residual belief propagation
infer.sample Inference method using sampling
infer.trbp Inference method using tree-reweighted belief propagation
infer.tree Inference method for tree- and forest-structured graphs
Loop Loop CRF example
make.crf Make CRF
make.features Make CRF features
make.par Make CRF parameters
mrf.nll Calculate MRF negative log-likelihood
mrf.stat Calculate MRF sufficient statistics
mrf.update Update MRF potentials
Rain Rain data
sample.chain Sampling method for chain-structured graphs
sample.conditional Conditional sampling method
sample.cutset Sampling method for graphs with a small cutset
sample.exact Sampling method for small graphs
sample.gibbs Sampling method using single-site Gibbs sampler
sample.junction Sampling method for low-treewidth graphs
sample.tree Sampling method for tree- and forest-structured graphs
Small Small CRF example
sub.crf Make sub CRF
train.crf Train CRF model
train.mrf Train MRF model
Tree Tree CRF example