calibrate {COMIX}R Documentation

This function aligns multiple samples so that their location parameters are equal.


This function aligns multiple samples so that their location parameters are equal.


calibrate(x, = NULL)



An object of class COMIX.

An integer between 1 and the number of groups in the data (length(unique(C))). Defaults to NULL. If NULL, the samples are aligned so that their location parameters are set to be at the estimated group location parameter. If an integer, the samples are aligned so that their location parameters are the same as the location parameter of sample


A named list of 3:


# Number of observations for each sample (row) and cluster (column):
njk <- 
      150, 300,
      250, 200
    nrow = 2,
    byrow = TRUE

# Dimension of data:
p <- 3

# Scale and skew parameters for first cluster:
Sigma1 <- matrix(0.5, nrow = p, ncol = p) + diag(0.5, nrow = p)
alpha1 <- rep(0, p)
alpha1[1] <- -5
# location parameter for first cluster in first sample:
xi11 <- rep(0, p)
# location parameter for first cluster in second sample (aligned with first):
xi21 <- rep(0, p)

# Scale and skew parameters for second cluster:
Sigma2 <- matrix(-1/3, nrow = p, ncol = p) + diag(1 + 1/3, nrow = p)
alpha2 <- rep(0, p)
alpha2[2] <- 5
# location parameter for second cluster in first sample:
xi12 <- rep(3, p)
# location parameter for second cluster in second sample (misaligned with first):
xi22 <- rep(4, p)

# Sample data:
Y <- 
    sn::rmsn(njk[1, 1], xi = xi11, Omega = Sigma1, alpha = alpha1),
    sn::rmsn(njk[1, 2], xi = xi12, Omega = Sigma2, alpha = alpha2),
    sn::rmsn(njk[2, 1], xi = xi21, Omega = Sigma1, alpha = alpha1),
    sn::rmsn(njk[2, 2], xi = xi22, Omega = Sigma2, alpha = alpha2)

C <- c(rep(1, rowSums(njk)[1]), rep(2, rowSums(njk)[2]))

prior <- list(zeta = 1, K = 10)
pmc <- list(naprt = 5, nburn = 200, nsave = 200) # Reasonable usage
pmc <- list(naprt = 5, nburn = 2, nsave = 5) # Minimal usage for documentation
# Fit the model:
res <- comix(Y, C, pmc = pmc, prior = prior)

# Relabel to resolve potential label switching issues:
res_relab <- relabelChain(res)

# Generate calibrated data:
cal <- calibrateNoDist(res_relab)

# Compare raw and calibrated data: (see plot in vignette)
# par(mfrow=c(1, 2))
# plot(Y, col = C, xlim = range(Y[,1]), ylim = range(Y[,2]) )

# Get posterior estimates for the model parameters:
res_summary <- summarizeChain(res_relab)
# Check for instance, the cluster assignment labels:
# Indeed the same as 

# Or examine the skewness parameter for the non-trivial clusters:
res_summary$alpha[ , unique(res_summary$t)]
# And compare those to
cbind(alpha1, alpha2)

# (see vignette for a more detailed example)

[Package COMIX version 1.0.0 Index]