pof_future_transformer_33_66kv {CNAIM}R Documentation

Future Probability of Failure for 33/10kV and 66/10kV Transformers


This function calculates the future annual probability of failure for 33/10kV and 66/10kV transformers. The function is a cubic curve that is based on the first three terms of the Taylor series for an exponential function. For more information about the probability of failure function see section 6 on page 34 in CNAIM (2021).


  transformer_type = "66kV Transformer (GM)",
  year_of_manufacture = 1980,
  utilisation_pct = "Default",
  no_taps = "Default",
  placement = "Default",
  altitude_m = "Default",
  distance_from_coast_km = "Default",
  corrosion_category_index = "Default",
  partial_discharge_tf = "Default",
  partial_discharge_tc = "Default",
  temperature_reading = "Default",
  main_tank = "Default",
  coolers_radiator = "Default",
  bushings = "Default",
  kiosk = "Default",
  cable_boxes = "Default",
  external_tap = "Default",
  internal_tap = "Default",
  mechnism_cond = "Default",
  diverter_contacts = "Default",
  diverter_braids = "Default",
  moisture = "Default",
  acidity = "Default",
  bd_strength = "Default",
  hydrogen = "Default",
  methane = "Default",
  ethylene = "Default",
  ethane = "Default",
  acetylene = "Default",
  hydrogen_pre = "Default",
  methane_pre = "Default",
  ethylene_pre = "Default",
  ethane_pre = "Default",
  acetylene_pre = "Default",
  furfuraldehyde = "Default",
  reliability_factor = "Default",
  simulation_end_year = 100



String. A sting that refers to the specific asset category. See See page 17, table 1 in CNAIM (2021). Options: transformer_type = c("33kV Transformer (GM)", "66kV Transformer (GM)"). The default setting is transformer_type = "66kV Transformer (GM)"


Numeric. Normal expected life depends on the year for manufacture, see page 107 table 20 in CNAIM (2021).


Numeric. The max percentage of utilisation under normal operating conditions.


Numeric. Average number of daily taps (tapchanger).


String. Specify if the asset is located outdoor or indoor. A setting of "Outdoor" means the asset is located in an outside environment, and a setting of "Indoor" means the asset is located in an indoor environment. A setting of "Default" will result in either an indoor or an outdoor environment setting that depends on the specification of asset_type. See page 110-113, table 26 in CNAIM (2021) for default environments.


Numeric. Specify the altitude location for the asset measured in meters from sea level.altitude_m is used to derive the altitude factor. See page 111, table 23 in CNAIM (2021). A setting of "Default" will set the altitude factor to 1 independent of asset_type.


Numeric. Specify the distance from the coast measured in kilometers. distance_from_coast_km is used to derive the distance from coast factor See page 110, table 22 in CNAIM (2021). A setting of "Default" will set the distance from coast factor to 1 independent of asset_type.


Integer. Specify the corrosion index category, 1-5.


Numeric. The current age in years of the transformer.


Numeric. The current age in years of the tapchanger


String. Indicating the level of partial discharge in the transformer. Options: partial_discharge_tf = c("Low", "Medium", "High (Not Confirmed)", "High (Confirmed)", "Default"). See page 154, table 173 in CNAIM (2021).


String. Indicating the level of partial discharge in the tapchanger Options: partial_discharge_tc = c("Low", "Medium", "High (Not Confirmed)", "High (Confirmed)", "Default"). See page 155, table 175 in CNAIM (2021).


String. Indicating the criticality. Options: temperature_reading = c("Normal", "Moderately High", "Very High", "Default"). See page 154, table 174 in CNAIM (2021).


String. Indicating the observed condition of the main tank. Options: main_tank = c("Superficial/minor deterioration", "Some Deterioration", "Substantial Deterioration", "Default"). See page 131, table 83 in CNAIM (2021).


String. Indicating the observed condition of the coolers/radiators. Options: coolers_radiator = c("Superficial/minor deterioration", "Some Deterioration", "Substantial Deterioration", "Default"). See page 131, table 84 in CNAIM (2021).


String. Indicating the observed condition of the bushings. Options: bushings = c("Superficial/minor deterioration", "Some Deterioration", "Substantial Deterioration", "Default"). See page 131, table 85 in CNAIM (2021).


String. Indicating the observed condition of the kiosk. Options: kiosk = c("Superficial/minor deterioration", "Some Deterioration", "Substantial Deterioration", "Default"). See page 132, table 86 in CNAIM (2021).


String. Indicating the observed condition of the cable boxes. Options: cable_boxes = c("No Deterioration","Superficial/minor deterioration", "Some Deterioration", "Substantial Deterioration", "Default"). See page 132, table 87 in CNAIM (2021).


String. Indicating the observed external condition of the tapchanger. Options: external_tap = c("Superficial/minor deterioration", "Some Deterioration", "Substantial Deterioration", "Default"). See page 133, table 88 in CNAIM (2021).


String. Indicating the observed internal condition of the tapchanger. Options: internal_tap = c("Superficial/minor deterioration", "Some Deterioration", "Substantial Deterioration", "Default"). See page 133, table 89 in CNAIM (2021).


String. Indicating the observed condition of the drive mechnism. Options: mechnism_cond = c("No deterioration", "Superficial/minor deterioration", "Some Deterioration", "Substantial Deterioration", "Default"). See page 133, table 90 in CNAIM (2021).


String. Indicating the observed condition of the selector and diverter contacts. Options: diverter_contacts = c("No deterioration", "Superficial/minor deterioration", "Some Deterioration", "Substantial Deterioration", "Default"). See page 133, table 91 in CNAIM (2021).


String. Indicating the observed condition of the selector and diverter braids. Options: diverter_braids = c("No deterioration", "Superficial/minor deterioration", "Some Deterioration", "Substantial Deterioration", "Default"). See page 134, table 92 in CNAIM (2021)


Numeric. the amount of moisture given in (ppm) See page 162, table 203 in CNAIM (2021).


Numeric. the amount of acidicy given in (mg KOH/g) See page 162, table 204 in CNAIM (2021).


Numeric. the amount of breakdown strength given in (kV) See page 162, table 205 in CNAIM (2021).


Numeric. Refers to the hydrogen level in the transformer oil. Hydrogen levels are measured in ppm. A setting of "Default" will result in the best possible result.


Numeric. Refers to the methane level in the transformer oil. Methane levels are measured in ppm. A setting of "Default" will result in the best possible result.


Numeric. Refers to the ethylene level in the transformer oil. Ethylene levels are measured in ppm. A setting of "Default" will result in the best possible result.


Numeric. Refers to the ethane level in the transformer oil. Ethane levels are measured in ppm. A setting of "Default" will result in the best possible result.


Numeric. Refers to the acetylene level in the transformer oil. Acetylene levels are measured in ppm. A setting of "Default" will result in the best possible result.


Numeric. Previous results. A setting of "Default" will result in the best possible result.


Numeric. Previous results. A setting of "Default" will result in the best possible result.


Numeric. Previous results. A setting of "Default" will result in the best possible result.


Numeric. Previous results. A setting of "Default" will result in the best possible result.


Numeric. Previous results. A setting of "Default" will result in the best possible result.


Numeric. Refers to the furfuraldehyde level in the transformer oil. furfuraldehyde levels are measured in ppm. A setting of "Default" will result in the best possible result.


Numeric. reliability_factor shall have a value between 0.6 and 1.5. A setting of "Default" sets the reliability_factor to 1. See section 6.14 on page 73 in CNAIM (2021).


Numeric. The last year of simulating probability of failure. Default is 100.


DataFrame. Future probability of failure along with future health score


DNO Common Network Asset Indices Methodology (CNAIM), Health & Criticality - Version 2.1, 2021: https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/sites/default/files/docs/2021/04/dno_common_network_asset_indices_methodology_v2.1_final_01-04-2021.pdf


# Future probability of failure for a 66/10kV transformer
pof_future_transformer_33_66kv(transformer_type = "66kV Transformer (GM)",
year_of_manufacture = 1980,
utilisation_pct = "Default",
no_taps = "Default",
placement = "Default",
altitude_m = "Default",
distance_from_coast_km = "Default",
corrosion_category_index = "Default",
age_tf = 43,
age_tc = 43,
partial_discharge_tf = "Default",
partial_discharge_tc = "Default",
temperature_reading = "Default",
main_tank = "Default",
coolers_radiator = "Default",
bushings = "Default",
kiosk = "Default",
cable_boxes = "Default",
external_tap = "Default",
internal_tap = "Default",
mechnism_cond = "Default",
diverter_contacts = "Default",
diverter_braids = "Default",
moisture = "Default",
acidity = "Default",
bd_strength = "Default",
hydrogen = "Default",
methane = "Default",
ethylene = "Default",
ethane = "Default",
acetylene = "Default",
hydrogen_pre = "Default",
methane_pre = "Default",
ethylene_pre = "Default",
ethane_pre = "Default",
acetylene_pre = "Default",
furfuraldehyde = "Default",
reliability_factor = "Default",
simulation_end_year = 100)

[Package CNAIM version 2.1.4 Index]