pof_future_ohl_cond_132_66_33kv {CNAIM}R Documentation

Future Probability of Failure for 33-132kV OHL Conductors


This function calculates the future annual probability of failure per kilometer 33-132kV OHL conductors. The function is a cubic curve that is based on the first three terms of the Taylor series for an exponential function. For more information about the probability of failure function see section 6 on page 34 in CNAIM (2021).


  ohl_conductor = "66kV OHL (Tower Line) Conductor",
  sub_division = "Cu",
  placement = "Default",
  altitude_m = "Default",
  distance_from_coast_km = "Default",
  corrosion_category_index = "Default",
  conductor_samp = "Default",
  corr_mon_survey = "Default",
  visual_cond = "Default",
  midspan_joints = "Default",
  reliability_factor = "Default",
  simulation_end_year = 100



String. A sting that refers to the specific asset category. See See page 17, table 1 in CNAIM (2021). Options: ohl_conductor = c("33kV OHL (Tower Line) Conductor", "66kV OHL (Tower Line) Conductor", "132kV OHL (Tower Line) Conductor"). The default setting is ohl_conductor = "66kV OHL (Tower Line) Conductor".


String. Refers to material the conductor is made of. Options: sub_division = c("ACSR - greased", "ACSR - non-greased", "AAAC", "Cad Cu", "Cu", "Other") . See page 107, table 20 in CNAIM (2021).


String. Specify if the asset is located outdoor or indoor. A setting of "Outdoor" means the asset is located in an outside environment, and a setting of "Indoor" means the asset is located in an indoor environment. A setting of "Default" will result in either an indoor or an outdoor environment setting that depends on the specification of asset_type. See page 110-113, table 26 in CNAIM (2021) for default environments.


Numeric. Specify the altitude location for the asset measured in meters from sea level.altitude_m is used to derive the altitude factor. See page 111, table 23 in CNAIM (2021). A setting of "Default" will set the altitude factor to 1 independent of asset_type.


Numeric. Specify the distance from the coast measured in kilometers. distance_from_coast_km is used to derive the distance from coast factor See page 110, table 22 in CNAIM (2021). A setting of "Default" will set the distance from coast factor to 1 independent of asset_type.


Integer. Specify the corrosion index category, 1-5. corrosion_category_index is used to derive the corrosion category factor. See page 111, table 24 in CNAIM (2021). A setting of "Default" will set the corrosion category factor to 1 independent of asset_type.


Numeric. The current age in years of the conductor.


String. Conductor sampling. Options: conductor_samp = c("Low","Medium/Normal","High","Default"). See page 161, table 199 and 201 in CNAIM (2021).


String. Corrosion monitoring survey. Options: corr_mon_survey = c("Low","Medium/Normal","High","Default"). See page 161, table 200 and 202 in CNAIM (2021).


String. Visual condition. Options: visual_cond = c("No deterioration","Superficial/minor deterioration","Some Deterioration", "Substantial Deterioration", "Default"). See page 146, table 140 and 142 in CNAIM (2021).


Integer. Number of midspan joints on the conductor. A span includes all conductors in that span. See page 146, table 141 and 143 in CNAIM (2021).


Numeric. reliability_factor shall have a value between 0.6 and 1.5. A setting of "Default" sets the reliability_factor to 1. See section 6.14 on page 73 in CNAIM (2021).


Numeric. The last year of simulating probability of failure. Default is 100.


DataFrame. Future probability of failure along with future health score


DNO Common Network Asset Indices Methodology (CNAIM), Health & Criticality - Version 2.1, 2021: https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/sites/default/files/docs/2021/04/dno_common_network_asset_indices_methodology_v2.1_final_01-04-2021.pdf


# Future annual probability of failure for 66kV OHL (Tower Line) Conductor
ohl_conductor = "66kV OHL (Tower Line) Conductor",
sub_division = "Cu",
placement = "Default",
altitude_m = "Default",
distance_from_coast_km = "Default",
corrosion_category_index = "Default",
age = 10,
conductor_samp = "Default",
corr_mon_survey = "Default",
visual_cond = "Default",
midspan_joints = "Default",
reliability_factor = "Default",
simulation_end_year = 100)

[Package CNAIM version 2.1.4 Index]