cmls {CMLS}R Documentation

Solve a Constrained Multivariate Least Squares Problem


Finds the pp x mm matrix B that minimizes the multivariate least squares problem

sum(( Y - X %*% B )^2)

subject to the specified constraints on the rows of B.


cmls(X, Y, const = "uncons", struc = NULL, 
     z = NULL, df = 10, degree = 3, intercept = TRUE,
     backfit = FALSE, maxit = 1e3, eps = 1e-10, 
     del = 1e-6, XtX = NULL, mode.range = NULL)



Matrix of dimension nn x pp.


Matrix of dimension nn x mm.


Constraint code. See const for the 24 available options.


Structural constraints (defaults to unstructured). See Note.


Predictor values for the spline basis (for smoothness constraints). See Note.


Degrees of freedom for the spline basis (for smoothness constraints). See Note.


Polynomial degree for the spline basis (for smoothness constraints). See Note.


Logical indicating whether the spline basis should contain an intercept (for smoothness constraints). See Note.


Estimate B via back-fitting (TRUE) or vectorization (FALSE). See Details.


Maximum number of iterations for back-fitting algorithm. Ignored if backfit = FALSE.


Convergence tolerance for back-fitting algorithm. Ignored if backfit = FALSE.


Stability tolerance for back-fitting algorithm. Ignored if backfit = FALSE.


Crossproduct matrix: XtX = crossprod(X).


Mode search ranges (for unimodal constraints). See Note.


If backfit = FALSE (default), a closed-form solution is used to estimate B whenever possible. Otherwise a back-fitting algorithm is used, where the rows of B are updated sequentially until convergence. The backfitting algorithm is determined to have converged when

mean(( - B.old)^2) < eps * (mean(B.old^2) + del),

where B.old and denote the parameter estimates at iterations tt and t+1t+1 of the backfitting algorithm.


Returns the estimated matrix B with attribute "df" (degrees of freedom), which gives the df for each row of B.


Structure constraints (struc) should be specified with a pp x mm matrix of logicals (TRUE/FALSE), such that FALSE elements indicate a weight should be constrained to be zero. Default uses unstructured weights, i.e., a pp x mm matrix of all TRUE values.

Inputs z, df, degree, and intercept are only applicable when using one of the 12 constraints that involves a spline basis, i.e., "smooth", "smonon", "smoper", "smpeno", "ortsmo", "orsmpe", "monsmo", "mosmno", "unismo", "unsmno", "unsmpe", "unsmpn".

Input mode.range is only applicable when using one of the 8 constraints that enforces unimodality: "unimod", "uninon", "uniper", "unpeno", "unismo", "unsmno", "unsmpe", "unsmpn". Mode search ranges (mode.range) should be specified with a 2 x pp matrix of integers such that

1 <= mode.range[1,j] <= mode.range[2,j] <= m for all j = 1:p.

Default is mode.range = matrix(c(1, m), 2, p).


Nathaniel E. Helwig <>


Goldfarb, D., & Idnani, A. (1983). A numerically stable dual method for solving strictly convex quadratic programs. Mathematical Programming, 27, 1-33. doi:10.1007/BF02591962

Helwig, N. E. (in prep). Constrained multivariate least squares in R.

Ten Berge, J. M. F. (1993). Least Squares Optimization in Multivariate Analysis. Volume 25 of M & T Series. DSWO Press, Leiden University. ISBN: 9789066950832

Turlach, B. A., & Weingessel, A. (2019). quadprog: Functions to solve Quadratic Programming Problems. R package version 1.5-8.

See Also

const prints/returns the contraint options.

cv.cmls performs k-fold cross-validation to tune the constraint options.

mlsei and mlsun are used to implement several of the constraints.


######***######   GENERATE DATA   ######***######

# make X
n <- 50
m <- 20
p <- 2
Xmat <- matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow = n, ncol = p)

# make B (which satisfies all constraints except monotonicity)
x <- seq(0, 1, length.out = m)
Bmat <- rbind(sin(2*pi*x), sin(2*pi*x+pi)) / sqrt(4.75)
struc <- rbind(rep(c(TRUE, FALSE), each = m / 2),
               rep(c(FALSE, TRUE), each = m / 2))
Bmat <- Bmat * struc

# make noisy data
Ymat <- Xmat %*% Bmat + rnorm(n*m, sd = 0.25)

######***######   UNCONSTRAINED   ######***######

# unconstrained
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "uncons")
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# unconstrained and structured
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "uncons", struc = struc)
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

######***######   NON-NEGATIVITY   ######***######

# non-negative
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "nonneg")
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# non-negative and structured
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "nonneg", struc = struc)
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

######***######   PERIODICITY   ######***######

# periodic
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "period")
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# periodic and structured
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "period", struc = struc)
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# periodic and non-negative
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "pernon")
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# periodic and non-negative and structured
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "pernon", struc = struc)
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

######***######   SMOOTHNESS   ######***######

# smooth
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "smooth")
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# smooth and structured
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "smooth", struc = struc)
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# smooth and periodic
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "smoper")
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# smooth and periodic and structured
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "smoper", struc = struc)
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# smooth and non-negative
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "smonon")
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# smooth and non-negative and structured
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "smonon", struc = struc)
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# smooth and periodic and non-negative
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "smpeno")
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# smooth and periodic and non-negative and structured
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "smpeno", struc = struc)
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

######***######   ORTHOGONALITY   ######***######

# orthogonal
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "orthog")
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# orthogonal and structured
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "orthog", struc = struc)
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# orthgonal and non-negative
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "ortnon")
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# orthgonal and non-negative and structured
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "ortnon", struc = struc)
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# orthogonal and smooth
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "ortsmo")
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# orthogonal and smooth and structured
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "ortsmo", struc = struc)
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# orthogonal and smooth and periodic
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "orsmpe")
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# orthogonal and smooth and periodic and structured
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "orsmpe", struc = struc)
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

######***######   UNIMODALITY   ######***######

# unimodal
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "unimod")
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# unimodal and structured
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "unimod", struc = struc)
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# unimodal and non-negative
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "uninon")
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# unimodal and non-negative and structured
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "uninon", struc = struc)
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# unimodal and periodic
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "uniper")
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# unimodal and periodic and structured
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "uniper", struc = struc)
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# unimodal and periodic and non-negative
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "unpeno")
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# unimodal and periodic and non-negative and structured
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "unpeno", struc = struc)
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

######***######   UNIMODALITY AND SMOOTHNESS   ######***######

# unimodal and smooth
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "unismo")
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# unimodal and smooth and structured
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "unismo", struc = struc)
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# unimodal and smooth and non-negative
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "unsmno")
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# unimodal and smooth and non-negative and structured
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "unsmno", struc = struc)
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# unimodal and smooth and periodic
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "unsmpe")
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# unimodal and smooth and periodic and structured
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "unsmpe", struc = struc)
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# unimodal and smooth and periodic and non-negative
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "unsmpn")
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# unimodal and smooth and periodic and non-negative and structured
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "unsmpn", struc = struc)
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

######***######   MONOTONICITY   ######***######

# make B
x <- 1:m
Bmat <- rbind(1 / (1 + exp(-(x - quantile(x, 0.5)))), 
              1 / (1 + exp(-(x - quantile(x, 0.8)))))
struc <- rbind(rep(c(FALSE, TRUE), c(1 * m, 3 * m) / 4),
               rep(c(FALSE, TRUE), c(m, m) / 2))
Bmat <- Bmat * struc               

# make noisy data
Ymat <- Xmat %*% Bmat + rnorm(m*n, sd = 0.25)

# monotonic increasing
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "moninc")
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# monotonic increasing and structured
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "moninc", struc = struc)
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# monotonic increasing and non-negative
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "monnon")
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# monotonic increasing and non-negative and structured
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "monnon", struc = struc)
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# monotonic increasing and smooth
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "monsmo")
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# monotonic increasing and smooth and structured
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "monsmo", struc = struc)
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# monotonic increasing and smooth and non-negative
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "mosmno")
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# monotonic increasing and smooth and non-negative and structured
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "mosmno", struc = struc)
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

[Package CMLS version 1.0-1 Index]