slurp_spip {CKMRpop}R Documentation

Read in the pedigree, census, and sampling information from the spip run


This function is run after run_spip(). It assumes that run_spip() has left the files: spip_pedigree.tsv, spip_prekill_census.tsv, and spip_samples.tsv, spip_postkill_census.tsv, spip_deaths.tsv, spip_genotypes.tsv, and spip_migrants.tsv inside the directory where run_spip() was run.


slurp_spip(dir, num_generations)



the path to the directory where spip was run. This is returned by run_spip().


how many generations back do you wish to consider for find relatives of each sampled individual. 0 means just the individual themselves (so, not very interesting, and you likely wouldn't ever use it. 1 means up to and including the parents; 2 means up to and including the grandparents; 3 means up to and including the great grandparents; and so forth.


For an example of its use, see the Vignette: vignette("species_1_simulation", package = "CKMRpop").


A list of tibbles. Each tibble is a named component of the return list. The names are as follows:

You can inspect some example output in the package data object three_pops_with_mig_slurped_results


# see Vignette: vignette("species_1_simulation", package = "CKMRpop")

[Package CKMRpop version 0.1.3 Index]