ce_estimate {CIMTx}R Documentation

Causal inference with multiple treatments using observational data


The function ce_estimate implements the 6 different methods for causal inference with multiple treatments using observational data.


  formula = NULL,
  discard = FALSE,
  trim_perc = NULL,
  boot = FALSE,
  verbose_boot = TRUE,
  ndpost = 1000,
  caliper = 0.25,
  n_cluster = 5,



A numeric vector (0, 1) representing a binary outcome.


A dataframe, including all the covariates but not treatments.


A numeric vector representing the treatment groups.


A character string. Users can selected from the following methods including "RA", "VM", "BART", "TMLE", "IPTW-Multinomial", "IPTW-GBM", "IPTW-SL", "RAMS-Multinomial", "RAMS-GBM", "RAMS-SL".


A formula object representing the variables used for the analysis. The default is to use all terms specified in x.


A logical indicating whether to use the discarding rules for the BART based methods. The default is FALSE.


A character string representing the type of causal estimand. Only "ATT" or "ATE" is allowed. When the estimand = "ATT", users also need to specify the reference treatment group by setting the reference_trt argument.


A 2-vector numeric value indicating the percentile at which the inverse probability of treatment weights should be trimmed. The default is NULL.


A character vector of prediction algorithms. A list of functions included in the SuperLearner package can be found with listWrappers.


A numeric value indicating reference treatment group for ATT effect.


A logical indicating whether or not to use nonparametric bootstrap to calculate the 95% confidence intervals of the causal effect estimates. The default is FALSE.


A numeric value representing the number of bootstrap samples.


A logical value indicating whether to print the progress of nonparametric bootstrap. The default is TRUE.


A numeric value indicating the number of posterior draws for the Bayesian methods ("BART" and "RA").


A numeric value denoting the caliper which should be used when matching (method = "VM") on the logit of GPS within each cluster formed by K-means clustering. The caliper is in standardized units. For example, caliper = 0.25 means that all matches greater than 0.25 standard deviations of the logit of GPS are dropped. The default value is 0.25.


A numeric value denoting the number of clusters to form using K means clustering on the logit of GPS when method = "VM". The default value is 5.


Other parameters that can be passed through to functions.


A summary of the effect estimates can be obtained with summary function. For VM, the output contains the number of matched individuals. For BART and discard = TRUE, the output contains number of discarded individuals. For IPTW related method and boot = FALSE, the weight distributions can be visualized using plot function. For BART and RA, the output contains a list of the posterior samples of causal estimands.


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lp_w_all <-
    ".4*x1 + .1*x2  - .1*x4 + .1*x5", # w = 1
    ".2 * x1 + .2 * x2  - .2 * x4 - .3 * x5"
  ) # w = 2
nlp_w_all <-
    "-.5*x1*x4  - .1*x2*x5", # w = 1
    "-.3*x1*x4 + .2*x2*x5"
  ) # w = 2
lp_y_all <- rep(".2*x1 + .3*x2 - .1*x3 - .1*x4 - .2*x5", 3)
nlp_y_all <- rep(".7*x1*x1  - .1*x2*x3", 3)
X_all <- c(
  "rnorm(0, 0.5)", # x1
  "rbeta(2, .4)", # x2
  "runif(0, 0.5)", # x3
  "rweibull(1,2)", # x4
  "rbinom(1, .4)" # x5

data <- data_sim(
  sample_size = 300,
  n_trt = 3,
  x = X_all,
  lp_y = lp_y_all,
  nlp_y = nlp_y_all,
  align = FALSE,
  lp_w = lp_w_all,
  nlp_w = nlp_w_all,
  tau = c(-1.5, 0, 1.5),
  delta = c(0.5, 0.5),
  psi = 1
  y = data$y, x = data$covariates, w = data$w,
  ndpost = 100, method = "RA", estimand = "ATE"

[Package CIMTx version 1.2.0 Index]