traditional_regression_functions {CIEE}R Documentation

Traditional regression approaches.


Functions to fit traditional regression approaches for a quantitative normally-distributed primary outcome (setting = "GLM") and a censoredtime-to-event primary outcome (setting = "AFT"). mult_reg fits the multiple regression approach and res_reg computes the regression of residuals approach.


mult_reg(setting = "GLM", Y = NULL, X = NULL, K = NULL, L = NULL,
  C = NULL)

res_reg(Y = NULL, X = NULL, K = NULL, L = NULL)



String with value "GLM" or "AFT" indicating whether the approaches are fitted for a normally-distributed primary outcome Y ("GLM") or a censored time-to-event primary outcome Y ("AFT"). Under the "AFT" setting, only mult_reg is available.


Numeric input vector of the primary outcome.


Numeric input vector of the exposure variable.


Numeric input vector of the intermediate outcome.


Numeric input vector of the observed confounding factor.


Numeric input vector of the censoring indicator under the AFT setting (must be coded 0 = censored, 1 = uncensored).


In more detail, for a quantitative normally-distributed primary outcome Y, mult_reg fits the model

Y=α0+α1K+αXYX+α2L+ϵY = \alpha_0 + \alpha_1 \cdot K + \alpha_{XY} \cdot X + \alpha_2 \cdot L + \epsilon

and obtains point and standard error estimates for the parameters α0,α1,αXY,α2\alpha_0, \alpha_1, \alpha_{XY}, \alpha_2. res_reg obtains point and standard error estimates for the parameters α0,α1,α2,α3,αXY\alpha_0, \alpha_1, \alpha_2, \alpha_3, \alpha_{XY} by fitting the models

Y=α0+α1K+α2L+ϵ1Y = \alpha_0 + \alpha_1 \cdot K + \alpha_2 \cdot L + \epsilon_1

ϵ^1=α3+αXYX+ϵ2\widehat{\epsilon}_1 = \alpha_3 + \alpha_{XY} \cdot X + \epsilon_2

Both functions use the lm function and also report the provided p-values from t-tests that each parameter equals 0. For the analysis of a censored time-to-event primary outcome Y, only the multiple regression approach is implemented. Here, mult_reg fits the according censored regression model to obtain coefficient and standard error estimates as well as p-values from large-sample Wald-type tests by using the survreg function. See the vignette for more details.


Returns a list with point estimates of the parameters point_estimates, standard error estimates SE_estimates and p-values pvalues.


dat_GLM <- generate_data(setting = "GLM")
mult_reg(setting = "GLM", Y = dat_GLM$Y, X = dat_GLM$X, K = dat_GLM$K,
         L = dat_GLM$L)
res_reg(Y = dat_GLM$Y, X = dat_GLM$X, K = dat_GLM$K, L = dat_GLM$L)

dat_AFT <- generate_data(setting = "AFT", a = 0.2, b = 4.75)
mult_reg(setting = "AFT", Y = dat_AFT$Y, X = dat_AFT$X, K = dat_AFT$K,
         L = dat_AFT$L, C = dat_AFT$C)

[Package CIEE version 0.1.1 Index]