Composite Grid Gaussian Processes

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Documentation for package ‘CGGP’ version 1.0.4

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CGGP-package CGGP: A package for running sparse grid computer experiments
CGGP CGGP: A package for running sparse grid computer experiments
CGGPappend Add points to CGGP
CGGPcreate Create sparse grid GP
CGGPfit Update CGGP model given data
CGGPplotblocks CGGP block plot
CGGPplotblockselection Plot CGGP block selection over time
CGGPplotcorr Plot correlation samples
CGGPplotheat Heatmap of SG design depth
CGGPplothist Histogram of measurements at each design depth of each input dimension
CGGPplotsamplesneglogpost Plot negative log posterior likelihood of samples
CGGPplotslice CGGP slice plot
CGGPplottheta Plot theta samples
CGGPplotvariogram Plot something similar to a semivariogram
CGGPpred S3 predict method for CGGP
CGGPvalplot Plot validation prediction errors for CGGP object
CGGPvalstats Calculate stats for CGGP prediction on validation data
CGGP_internal_calcMSE Calculate MSE over single dimension
CGGP_internal_calcMSEde Calculate MSE over blocks
CGGP_internal_calcpw Calculate predictive weights for CGGP
CGGP_internal_calcpwanddpw Calculate derivative of pw
CGGP_internal_CorrMatCauchy Cauchy correlation function
CGGP_internal_CorrMatCauchySQ CauchySQ correlation function
CGGP_internal_CorrMatCauchySQT CauchySQT correlation function
CGGP_internal_CorrMatGaussian Gaussian correlation function
CGGP_internal_CorrMatMatern32 Matern 3/2 correlation function
CGGP_internal_CorrMatMatern52 Matern 5/2 correlation function
CGGP_internal_CorrMatPowerExp Power exponential correlation function
CGGP_internal_CorrMatWendland0 Wendland0 (Triangle) correlation function
CGGP_internal_CorrMatWendland1 Wendland1 1 correlation function
CGGP_internal_CorrMatWendland2 Wendland2 2 correlation function
CGGP_internal_gneglogpost Gradient of negative log likelihood posterior
CGGP_internal_MSEpredcalc Calculate MSE prediction along a single dimension
CGGP_internal_neglogpost Calculate negative log posterior
CGGP_internal_set_corr Set correlation function of CGGP object
plot.CGGP S3 plot method for CGGP
predict.CGGP S3 predict method for CGGP
print.CGGP Print CGGP object
rcpp_fastmatclcr rcpp_fastmatclcr
rcpp_fastmatclcranddclcr rcpp_fastmatclcranddclcr
rcpp_gkronDBS rcpp_kronDBS
rcpp_kronDBS rcpp_kronDBS
valplot Plot validation prediction errors
valstats Calculate stats for prediction on validation data