data.pisa00R {CDM}R Documentation

PISA 2000 Reading Study (Chen & de la Torre, 2014)


This is a sub-dataset of the PISA 2000 of German students including 26 items of the reading test. The 26 items was analyzed in Chen and de la Torre (2014) and a subset of 20 items was analyzed in Chen and Chen (2016).





Chen, H., & Chen, J. (2016). Exploring reading comprehension skill relationships through the G-DINA model. Educational Psychology, 36(6), 1049-1064.

Chen, J., & de la Torre, J. (2014). A procedure for diagnostically modeling extant large-scale assessment data: the case of the programme for international student assessment in reading. Psychology, 5(18), 1967-1978.


# EXAMPLE 1: PISA items from Chen and de la Torre (2014)
#            dichotomize item responses

data(data.pisa00R.ct, package="CDM")
dat <- data.pisa00R.ct$data
Q <- data.pisa00R.ct$q.matrix
resp <- dat[, rownames(Q)]

#** extract item-wise maximum
maxK <- apply( resp, 2, max, na.rm=TRUE )
#** dichotomize response data
resp1 <- resp
for (ii in seq(1,ncol(resp)) ){
    resp1[,ii] <- 1 * ( resp[,ii]==maxK[ii] )

[Package CDM version 8.2-6 Index]