Consensus Analysis, Model-Based Clustering, and Cultural Consensus Theory Applications

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Documentation for package ‘CCTpack’ version 1.5.2

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CCTpack-package CCTpack: Consensus Analysis, Model-Based Clustering, and Cultural Consensus Theory Applications
cct-class Class '"cct"'
cctapply Primary function to perform model-based consensus analysis: loads the data and fits the consensus model. Allows for model-based clustering based on the numbers of "clusters" specified. Options are also available to run diagnostics on the fit, and to export the results to saved files. Based on cultural consensus theory (CCT) models for data matrices of binary, ordered categorical, or continuous response data.
cctcat Accessor function for the model-estimated category boundaries (obtained from the model applied to the data). Applicable for the LTRM model only.
cctexport Export the results (the cctfit object)
cctfac Accessor function for the factor coefficients after 'dat <- cctscree(dat)' has been run.
cctgui The CCT GUI
cctitem Accessor function for the item parameters (obtained from the model applied to the data)
cctitemhdi Accessor function for the item parameter credible intervals (obtained from the model applied to the data)
cctmemb Accessor function for the cluster memberships of the respondents.
cctmvest Accessor function for the missing value estimates of the data, based on the cctfit (if there were missing values in the data).
CCTpack CCTpack: Consensus Analysis, Model-Based Clustering, and Cultural Consensus Theory Applications
cctppc Calculate or Plot the Posterior Predictive Model Checks
cctresults Plot the posterior results from the model inference
cctscree Generate a scree plot
cctsubj Accessor function for the subject parameters (obtained from the model applied to the data)
cctsubjhdi Accessor function for the subject parameter credible intervals (obtained from the model applied to the data)
continuousdata continuousdata
dtraceplot Traceplots for discrete parameters of a cctfit object
hotcold hotcold
plot Plot method for a cctfit object of class 'cct'; equivalent to function cctresults().
plot-method Class '"cct"'
plot-method ~~ Methods for Function 'plot' in Package 'graphics' ~~
plot-methods ~~ Methods for Function 'plot' in Package 'graphics' ~~
raterdata raterdata
screeplot Generate a scree plot
screeplot-method ~~ Methods for Function 'screeplot' in Package 'stats' ~~
screeplot-methods ~~ Methods for Function 'screeplot' in Package 'stats' ~~
summary Summary of the cctfit object of class 'cct'.
summary-method ~~ Methods for Function 'summary' in Package 'base' ~~
summary-methods ~~ Methods for Function 'summary' in Package 'base' ~~
testdat testdat