summary.CAvariants {CAvariants}R Documentation

Summary of numerical results from CA variants


This function prints a numerical summary of the results from any of the six variants of correspondence analysis. The input parameter is the name of the output of the main function CAvariants.


## S3 method for class 'CAvariants'
summary(object, printdims, digits, ...)



The output of the main function CAvariants.


The number of dimensions that are used for summarising the numerical output of the analysis. By default, printdims = 2. the maximum number is equal to the rank of the table.


The number of decimal places used for displaying the numerical summaries of the analysis. By default, digits = 3.


Further arguments passed to, or from, other functions.


The value of output returned depends on the type of correspondence analysis that is performed.


The inertia values, their percentage contribution to the total inertia and the cumulative percent inertias for the row and column variables.

Generalised correlation matrix

The matrix of generalised correlations when performing an ordered correspondence analysis, catype = "DOCA", catype = "DONSCA", catype = "SOCA" or catype = "SONSCA".

Row principal coordinates

The row principal coordinates when catype = "CA", or catype = "NSCA".

Column principal coordinates

The column principal coordinates when catype = "CA", or catype = "NSCA".

Row standard coordinates

The row standard coordinates when catype = "CA", or catype = "NSCA".

Column standard coordinates

The column standard coordinates when catype = "CA", or catype = "NSCA".

Row principal polynomial coordinates

The row principal polynomial coordinates when catype = "DOCA", catype = "DONSCA", catype = "SOCA", or catype = "SONSCA".

Column principal polynomial coordinates

The column principal coordinates when catype = "DOCA", or catype = "DONSCA".

Row standard polynomial coordinates

The row standard polynomial coordinates when catype is "DOCA" or "DONSCA".

Column standard polynomial coordinates

The column standard polynomial coordinates when catype = "DOCA", catype = "DONSCA", catype = "SOCA", or catype = "SONSCA".

Total inertia

The total inertia. For example, for non symmetrical correspondence analysis the numerator of the Goodman-Kruskal tau index, its C-statistic and p-value are returned.

Polynomial components

The polynomial components of the total inertia and their p-values. The total inertia of the column space is partitioned to identify polynomial components. when catype = "SOCA" or catype = "SONSCA". When catype = "DOCA" or catype = "DONSCA", the total inertia of both the row and column space is partitioned to give the polynomial components.

Inner product

The inner product of the biplot coordinates for the two-dimensional plot.


Rosaria Lombardo and Eric J. Beh


Beh EJ and Lombardo R 2014 Correspondence Analysis: Theory, Practice and New Strategies. Wiley.
Lombardo R Beh EJ 2016 Variants of Simple Correspondence Analysis. The R Journal, 8 (2), 167–184.
Lombardo R Beh EJ and Kroonenberg PM 2016 Modelling Trends in Ordered Correspondence Analysis Using Orthogonal Polynomials. Psychometrika, 81(2), 325–349.


asbestos <- matrix(c(310, 36, 0, 0, 212, 158, 9, 0, 21, 35, 17, 4, 25, 102,  
49, 18, 7, 35, 51, 28), 4, 5, dimnames = list(c("none","grade1", "grade2", "grade3"), 
c("0-9", "10-19", "20-29", "30-39", "40")))
risasbestos <- CAvariants(asbestos, catype = "DOCA", firstaxis = 1, lastaxis = 2) 

[Package CAvariants version 6.0 Index]