Spatio-Temporal Generalised Linear Mixed Models for Areal Unit Data

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Documentation for package ‘CARBayesST’ version 4.0

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CARBayesST-package Spatio-Temporal Generalised Linear Mixed Models For Areal Unit Data
CARBayesST Spatio-Temporal Generalised Linear Mixed Models For Areal Unit Data
coef.CARBayesST Extract the regression coefficients from a model.
fitted.CARBayesST Extract the fitted values from a model.
logLik.CARBayesST Extract the estimated loglikelihood from a fitted model.
model.matrix.CARBayesST Extract the model (design) matrix from a model.
MVST.CARar Fit a multivariate spatio-temporal generalised linear mixed model to data, with a multivariate spatio-temporal autoregressive process.
print.CARBayesST Print a summary of the fitted model to the screen.
residuals.CARBayesST Extract the residuals from a model.
ST.CARadaptive Fit a spatio-temporal generalised linear mixed model to data, with a spatio-temporal autoregressive process that has an adaptive autocorrelation stucture.
ST.CARanova Fit a spatio-temporal generalised linear mixed model to data, with spatial and temporal main effects and a spatio-temporal interaction.
ST.CARar Fit a spatio-temporal generalised linear mixed model to data, with a spatio-temporal autoregressive process.
ST.CARclustrends Fit a spatio-temporal generalised linear mixed model to data, with a clustering of temporal trend functions and a temporally common spatial surface.
ST.CARlinear Fit a spatio-temporal generalised linear mixed model to data, where the spatial units have linear time trends with spatially varying intercepts and slopes.
ST.CARlocalised Fit a spatio-temporal generalised linear mixed model to data, with a spatio-temporal autoregressive process and a piecewise constant intercept term.
ST.CARsepspatial Fit a spatio-temporal generalised linear mixed model to data, with a common temporal main effect and separate spatial surfaces with individual variances.
W.estimate Estimate an appropriate neighbourhood matrix for a set of spatial data using a baseline neighbourhood matrix and a graph based optimisation algorithm.